mwb import history csv midweek - ajtruckle/meeting-schedule-assistant-support GitHub Wiki
CSV — Midweek Meetings
The CSV file format is actually based on the one used by NW Scheduler. This means that you can export data from NW Scheduler and import it directly into Meeting Schedule Assistant.
The text file must be UTF-8 encoded. You can use Notepad to save files with this encoding.
Supported Delimiters
Comma |
Semi-colon |
Column Headings
Date [1] |
Person |
PartType |
Assignment |
School |
Chairman |
AuxiliaryCounselor |
OpeningPrayer |
ClosingPrayer |
TreasuresTalk |
Gems |
BibleReading |
Apply1 |
Apply2 |
Apply3 |
Apply4 |
Apply1Assistant |
Apply2Assistant |
Apply3Assistant |
Apply4Assistant |
Living1 |
Living2 |
Living3 |
CBSReader |
Host |
CoHost |
ZoomAttendant |
Audience | Value |
Main Hall | 1 |
Class 1 | 2 |
Class 2 | 3 |
Sample DataThe data would be comma (or semi-colon) delimited:
2024/05/27,Brother 1,Chairman,Chairman,1
2024/05/27,Brother 2,OpeningPrayer,Opening Prayer,1
2024/05/27,Brother 3,ClosingPrayer,Closing Prayer,1
2024/05/27,Brother 4,TreasuresTalk,1. Benefit Fully From Divine Education,1
2024/05/27,Brother 5,Gems,2. Spiritual Gems,1
2024/05/27,Brother 6,AuxiliaryCounselor,Auxiliary Counselor,2
2024/05/27,Student 1,BibleReading,3. Bible Reading,1
2024/05/27,Student 2,BibleReading,3. Bible Reading,2
2024/05/27,Student 3,Apply1,4. Starting a Conversation,1
2024/05/27,Student 4,Apply1,4. Starting a Conversation,2
2024/05/27,Student 5,Apply2,5. Following Up,1
2024/05/27,Student 6,Apply2,5. Following Up,2
2024/05/27,Student 7,Apply3,Talk,1
2024/05/27,Student 8,Apply3,Talk,2
2024/05/27,Student 9,Apply1Assistant,Assistant: 4. Starting a Conversation,1
2024/05/27,Student 10,Apply1Assistant,Assistant: 4. Starting a Conversation,2
2024/05/27,Student 11,Apply2Assistant,Assistant: 5. Following Up,1
2024/05/27,Student 12,Apply2Assistant,Assistant: 5. Following Up,2
2024/05/27,Brother 7,Living1,7. Make Wise Decisions About Work and Education,1
2024/05/27,Brother 8,CBS,8. Congregation Bible Study,1
2024/05/27,Brother 9,CBSReader,8. CBS Reader,1
Footnote 1
The Date column is formatted at YYYY/MM/DD.
Footnote 2
The Assignment column is not directly imported. Instead, it is assumed that you have already prepared the schedule by downloading the monthly data first.