msa group manager - ajtruckle/meeting-schedule-assistant-support GitHub Wiki

Field Service Group Manager

Access the Field Service Group Manager by clicking on the Database menu. Alternatively, you can click the Manage button within the Publishers Database window or find it on the toolbar.

Field Service Group Manager menu item

Field Service Group Manager

The Field Service Group Manager is a powerful tool designed to efficiently manage and organize your field service groups. Whether you’re assigning publishers to specific groups or creating new ones, this feature streamlines the process.

Notes IconTo save all your changes to the publishers database, make sure to close the Group Manager window by clicking the OK button.

Assign Publishers to Groups

At the top of the interface (on the left), you’ll find a drop-down menu labelled “Field Service Group”. Choose an existing group from the list (if required).

Adding Publishers to the Group

On the left panel, you’ll see a list of available publishers.

  • Select one or multiple members by clicking on their names.
  • Click the “Add >>” button to move them to the selected group on the right panel.

Removing Publishers from the Group

In the right panel, you’ll find the members assigned to the currently selected group.

  • Select one or multiple members by clicking on their names.
  • Click the “<< Remove” button to move them back to the selected group on the left.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Groups

Use the following buttons:

Add / Edit / Delete Group buttons

Add Group

Opens a popup window where you can enter the name for the new group.

Notes IconRemember that duplicate group names are not allowed.

Edit Group

To enable the Edit Group button, choose a group from the left-hand drop-down list:

Selected Field Service Group

Clicking the button opens a popup window where you can modify the group’s name.

Notes IconRemember that duplicate group names are not allowed.

Delete Group

To enable the Delete Group button, choose a group from the left-hand drop-down list:

Selected Field Service Group

You are asked to confirm that you want to delete the group from the database.

Notes IconTo delete a group, ensure that no publishers are still assigned to the group.