LineOfVisibility - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

This page describes the content of a CZML document. Please read Get Started for an explanation of how a CZML document is put together.


Implements : CZMLPrimaryObjects

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"Toulouse Frame/Keplerian parameters: {a: 6928000.0; e: 0.0; i: 60.00000000000001; pa: 0.0; raan: 90.0; v: 90.0;}",
    "name":"Line between Toulouse Frame and Keplerian parameters: {a: 6928000.0; e: 0.0; i: 60.00000000000001; pa: 0.0; raan: 90.0; v: 90.0;}",
          "VIS/Toulouse Frame/Keplerian parameters: {a: 6928000.0; e: 0.0; i: 60.00000000000001; pa: 0.0; raan: 90.0; v: 90.0;}#position",
          "Keplerian parameters: {a: 6928000.0; e: 0.0; i: 60.00000000000001; pa: 0.0; raan: 90.0; v: 90.0;}#position"


id - String : Identification of the line of visibility, default : " [Name of the ground station]/[Id of the satellite]".

name String : Name of the CZML ground station, default : "Line between [Name of the ground station] and [Name of the satellite].

polyline - Polyline : A polyline object that represents the line that will be displayed to follow the satellite

Intrinsic arguments

topocentricFrame - TopocentricFrame : An Orekit TopocentricFrame that represents the point on earth and the frame of the station.

topocentricFrames - List of TopocentricFrame : A list that contains all the point on earth and the frame that represents the stations on earth.

angleOfAperture - Double : The angle of aperture for the visiblity, default : 80.0°.

satellite - Satellite : The satellite that will be looked by the station

constellation - Constellation : The constellation grouping several satellites that will be observed by the station(s).

Other parameters

singleSatMultipleId - List of String : A list grouping all the Id of all the line of visibility when a single satellite is observed.

multipleId - List of List of String : A list ground all th Id of all the lines of visibility when several satellites are observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : List of Id built for each satellite for a given line.

singleSatMultipleName - List of String : A list containing all the names of all the lines of visibility when a single satellite is observed.

multipleName - List of List of String : A list containing all the names of all the lines of visibility when several satellites are observed.

availabilities - List of TimeInterval : A list containing all the interval of time where the line must be dipslayed.

singleSatAvailabilities - List of List of TimeInterval : A list containing lists that represents the avaialbilites of each line of visiblity, when a single satellite is observed by several stations. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : A list containing all the time interval when the line must be displayed.

multipleAvailabiliy - List of List of List of TimeInterval : A list containing lists that represents the availabilities of each line ofvisibility when multiple satellites are observed by several stations. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : Each satellite for the givne line. Tertiary list : A list containing all the time interval when the line must be displayed for a given satellite.

referenceGroundStation - Reference : The reference used for the position of the ground station.

referenceSatellite - Reference : The reference used for the position of the satellite.

references - Iterable of Reference : An iterable object that combines the reference of the satellite and the reference of the ground station, it is a pair of references.

singleSatReferences - List of Iterable of References : A list containing pairs of references when a single satellite is observed.

multipleReferences - List of List of Iterable of Reference : A list containing list of pairs of references when several satellites are observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : Each satellite for the given line.

multipleSatellite - List of List of Satellite : A list that contains all the satellites concerned by line of visibility. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : A list containing all the satellites concerned for the given line.

showList - List of CzmlShow : A list that contains all the CzmlShow objects representing when the lines must be displayed or not.

singleSatShowList - List of List of CzmLShow : A list that contains lists, each sub-list contains all the CzmlShow objects representing when the lines must be displayed or not when a single satellite is observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list: list of all the CzmlShow for the given line.

multipleShowList - List of List of List of CzmlShow : A list that contains lists representing when the lines must be displayed or not when multiple satellites are observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : Each satellite for a given line. Tertiary list : list of all the CzmlShow for a given line and a given satellite.

timeIntervals - List of TimeInterval : The time intervals representing when the lines are displayed.

singleSatTimeIntervals - List of List of TimeInterval : A list containing lists representing when the lines are displayed when a single satellite is observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : A list of all the time intervals for a given line.

multipleTimeIntervals - List of List of List of TimeInterval : A list containing lists representing when the lines are displayed when several satellites are observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : Each satellite for a given line. Tertiary list : A list of all the time intervals for a given line and a given satellite.

visuList - List of boolean : A list containing the boolean that represents whether or not the line must be displayed.

singleSatVisuList - List of List of boolean : A list containing lists representing whether or not the lines must be displayed when a single satellite is observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : A list of all the boolean for a given line.

multipleVisuList - List of List of List of boolean : A list containing lists representing whether or not the lines must be displayed when several sattelites are observed. Primary list : Each line of visibility. Secondary list : Each satellite for a given line. Tertiary list : A list of all the boolean for a given line and a given satellite.

multipleAngleOfAperture - List of List of Double : A list containing all different angle of aperture when several satellite are observed. Primary list: Each line of visibility. Secondary list : A list of all the angle of apertures for each line for a given satellite.

allVisibilityLines - List of LineOfVisibility : A list containing all the lines of visibility computed.

typeOfVisu - TypeOfVisu : The type of visualisation made. Single satellite or not. Single station or not.


These arguments can be used to build a line of visibility object :

LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrame, satellite);
LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrame, satellite, angleOfAperture);
  • A topocentricFrame, a constellation : (This builder will create all lines of visibility for all satellites of a constellation for a given ground station)
LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrame, constellation);
  • A topocentricFrame, a constellation, an angle of aperture : (This builder will create all lines of visibility for all satellites of a constellation for a given ground station)
LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrame, constellation, angleOfAperture);
LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrames, satellite);
LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrames, satellite, angleOfAperture);
LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrames, constellation);
  • A List of topocentricFrame, a constellation, an angle of aperture : (This builder will create all lines of visibility for all satellites of a constellation for all the stations for each topocentricFrame).
LineOfVisibility lineOfVisibility = new LineOfVisibility(topocentricFrames, constellation, header, angleOfAperture);