Polyline - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

The polyline object aims at representing the line of visibility between a ground station and a satellite, but it has a builder that allows other usages if needed.

Example :



availability - TimeInterval : Time interval when the polyline is displayed.

show - boolean : Whether or not the polyline is shown. default : false.

width - double : the width of the polyline, default : 1.0.

color - Color : The RGBA color of the cylinder. default : red = 0, green = 255, blue = 255, alpha = 255.

cesiumArctype - CesiumArcType : Defines the type of arc of the polyline, it can take several values :

  • NONE - The arc is a straight line that does not conform to the surface of an ellipsoid.
  • GEODESIC - The arc is a geodesic, which is the shortest path conforming to the surface of an ellipsoid.
  • RHUMB - The arc is a rhumb line, or loxodrome, which is the path of constant heading conforming to the surface of an ellipsoid.
  • default : NONE .


The polyline object can be build with :

  • An availability, a width, a color, a show :
Polyline polyline = new Polyline(availability, width, color, show);
  • No arguments : (this method build a polyline with no availability)
Polyline polyline = new polyline();