AttitudePointing - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

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Attitude Pointing

Implements : CzmlPrimaryObject

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"ATTITUDE_POINTING/Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}",
    "name":"Attitude pointing of : Satellite",
          "Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}#position",
          "ABSTRACT_POINT_ON_EARTH/[{lat: 0,135113849 deg, lon: -172,7804104416 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: 0,1531905851 deg, lon: -169,7357174136 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: 0,1589310159 deg, lon: -166,6892337239 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: 0,1408039121 deg, lon: -163,6394087316 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: 0,0880912893 deg, lon: -160,5851779384 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: -0,0084512103 deg, lon: -157,5262625212 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: -0,1556023493 deg, lon: -154,4635281532 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: -0,3561974185 deg, lon: -151,3994335644 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: -0,6069648039 deg, lon: -148,3385949165 deg, alt: 0}, {lat: -0,8955917366 deg, lon: -145,2883800523 deg, alt: 0}]#position"


id - String : Identification of the attitude pointing - default : "ATTITUDE_POINTING/{Id of the satellite}"

name - String : Name of the attitude pointing, default : "Attitude pointing of : {name of the satellite}".

availability - TimeInterval : Time interval when the attitude pointing is displayed, default : the time interval of the clock of the header

Intrinsinc arguments

These arguments can be used to build a attiude pointing object :

satellite - Satellite : The satellite referencing the attitude.

body - OneAxisEllipsoid : The body the satellite is orbiting around.

direction - Vector3D : The direction of the pointing, usually you can use : Vector3D.PLUS_I, Vector3D.MINUS_I, Vector3D.PLUS_J, Vector3D.MINUS_J, Vector3D.PLUS_K, Vector3D.MINUS_K.

color - Color : The color of the Polyline that will link the satellite and the ground.

Other parameters

satelliteOrientation - Orientation : The orientation object that allows to display the attitude in the czml file.

attitudePointingPolyline - Polyline : The polyline that will be dismlayed to link the ground and the satellite.

lines - List of Line : A list of line objects that allows to build the direction of the pointing.

*projectedAttitudes - List of GeodeticPoint : A list of GeodeticPoint object, they represents the projection of the point targeted by the attitude on the surface of the body.

julianDates - List of JulianDate : The list of all the JulianDate objects, they represents the julian dates of all instants computed for the attitude pointing.

pointOnBody - AbstractPointOnBody : This represents the Czml object that will create the point at the surface of the body to use it as a reference for the polyline.

satelliteAttitudes - List of Attitude : This list contains all the attitudes object of the satellite computed during the propagation.

satelliteCartesians - List of Cartesian : The list of the cartesian coordinates of the satellite in the ITR frame.


The attitude pointing object can be build with :

AttitudePointing pointing = new AttitudePointing(satellite, body, direction);
AttitudePointing pointing = new AttitudePointing(satellite, body, direction, availability);
AttitudePointing pointing = new AttitudePointing(satellite, body, direction, color);
AttitudePointing pointing = new AttitudePointing(satellite, body, direction, availability, color);


  • displayPointingPath() - void : This function allows to display the path of the point in the surface of the body.
  • displayPeriodPointingPath - void : The function must be used always after displayPointingPath(), it allows to displays the path for a duration of one period of the orbit to not overload the scene.