AbstractPointOnBody - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

This page describes the content of a CZML document. Please read Get Started for an explanation of how a CZML document is put together.


Implements : CzmlPrimaryObject

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"ABSTRACT_POINT_ON_BODY/{lat: 0,135113849 deg, lon: -172,7804104416 deg, alt: 0}",
    "name":"Abstract point on the body at location(s) : [{lat: 0,135113849 deg, lon: -172,7804104416 deg, alt: 0}",

id - String : Identification of the abstract point on body, default : "ABSTRACT_POINT_ON_BODY/{id(s) of the geodetic point(s)}".

name - String : Name of the abstract point on body, default : "Abstract point on the body at location(s) : {name(s) of the geodetic point(s)}".

availability - TimeInterval : Time interval when the abstract point on body is displayed, default : the time interval of the clock of the header.

Intrinsinc arguments

These arguments can be used to build the abstract point on body object :

julianDates - List of JulianDate : The list of all the julian dates where the point on body is computed.

geodeticPoints - List of GeodeticPoint : They represents all the points on the body that will create the point in time.

body - BodyShape : The body for the projection of points in time.

Other parameters

cartesians - List of Cartesian : The list of the cartesians positions of the point on body in time.

displayPath - boolean : Th show or not the path of the point on the body.

displayPeriodPointingPath - boolean : To show or not the path on the body during only a period of the orbit of a satellite.

periodForPath - double : The period of the orbit for the duration of the path.


The abstract point on body object can be build with :

AbstractPointOnBody pointOnBody = new AbstractPointOnBody(julianDates, geodeticPoints, body);