Advancements - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki


Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome to the Jungle is earned by simply joining a world with ZAWA: Evolved installed!


Karma is earned when a player is killed by an orca!

Animal capture

For the purposes of these achievements, "capturing" can mean using any capture method on the specified animal. Spawning one with a spawn egg or taming them does not count.

Catching Willy

Catching Willy is earned by capturing an orca. Its name is a reference to the film, Free Willy.

Cold Capture

Cold Capture is earned by capturing a polar bear.

Into The Wild

Into The Wild is earned on the player's first animal capture with any item.

Route 1 Trainer

Route 1 Trainer is earned by capturing one of each ambient invertebrate.

To earn this advancement, the player will need to net one of each of the following: butterfly, praying mantis, scorpion, and tarantula.

Seasoned Explorer

Seasoned Explorer is earned by capturing one animal of each rarity.

The Attenborough Award

The Attenborough Award is earned by capturing one of every single animal in the mod.

For the purposes of this advancement, "every single animal" counts as one of each entity. Players do not have to catch one of each variant or species variant.

This isn’t for Volleyball?

This Isn't For Volleyball? is earned by capturing an animal in a seine net.

Animal husbandry

Conservation Sensation

Conservation Sensation is earned by successfully breeding one of every single animal in the mod.

For the purposes of this advancement, "every single animal" counts as one of each entity. Players do not have to breed one of each variant or species variant.

Items and crafting

Animals 101

Animals 101 is earned by crafting or obtaining a data book.

Hanna Hard Work Award

Hanna Hard Work Award is earned by crafting or obtaining one of each enrichment object.

To earn this advancement, the player will need to craft or obtain all enrichment blocks and entities.

Ready For Anything

Ready For Anything is earned by crafting or obtaining one of each capture item.

To earn this advancement, the player will need to craft or obtain a tranquilizer gun and dart, capture cage, capture net, seine net, slingshot net, and net launcher.

Surprise Surprise

Surprise Surprise is earned by crafting or obtaining a capture cage.

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams is earned by obtaining a tranquilizer gun.

Their value might go up

Their value might go up is earned by crafting or obtaining one of each animal plush decoration block. Its name is a reference to the beanie baby craze of the late 1990's.