polar bear - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

image (image by ClimbableChunky)

Spawning and taming

Polar bears are super rare spawns in coastal tundra biomes. They always spawn alone. Male and females are equally likely to spawn, and are not sexually dimorphic.

The polar bear is a medium speed, aggressive animal; they are an active threat to unprepared players, and will pursue and attempt to kill them on sight.

Polar bears can be tamed with carnivore kibble.


Polar bears have 20 hearts (40 points) of health, can deal 5 hearts (10 points) of damage, and drop large meat and 2 bones upon meat.

Polar bears are large animals with sizeable food needs. They eat a large carnivore diet, consisting of large animal meat.

Polar bears can use the boomer ball, scented ball, scratching post, snow spray enrichment items.

Polar bears are a low fertility species, and can be bred with salmon. As large-sized animals they have a gestation time of 72000 ticks, and give birth to 1-2 cubs that will take 6 minecraft days to reach adulthood.

Exhibit building

(note: exhibit building sections contain a mix of gameplay information and building advice. Not all recommendations are necessary to keep animals happy, fed, and watered, but can help players build a realistic enclosure.)

Of the ZAWA 1.0 roster, Polar Bears are one of the most difficult species to build for, only really behind the Orca! Guidelines and exhibits for Polar Bears are messy, but the general gist is that space, enrichment and diversity of exhibit are of key importance.

Polar Bears are a very large and carnivorous species, therefore it is advised not to keep other mammals alongside them, however ambient species, like the ZAWA Salmon or Cod can work well in bathing pools. On the other hand, Predator & Prey exhibits, when there is an unseen (but still present!) barrier between a predator and prey exhibit, can work extremely well for these bears, with their prey primarily consisting of seals.

When it comes to the exhibit itself, it is advised to keep polar bears in groups of up to 3 or 4, however it is important that the space requirements are met. It is advised to have multiple exhibits for the bears, to allow for separation due to violence or breeding between the bears. Furthermore, it is essential to have a water source for these bears, along with adequate shelter - water sources need to be large enough to fit the bears comfortably, and sometimes underwater viewing for visitors can work extremely well.

Similarly to the main enclosure, shelter must be adequate for all bears, as well as for separation from each other. Indoor viewing for bears is something the player may choose to build for the bears, however safety for visitors and staff is of essential importance! Finally, polar bears need to be provided with enrichment, of which can take the form of the Boomer Ball, Scented Ball, Scratching Post, Snow Spray.


Polar bears have three in-game color variants: vanilla, butter pecan, and french vanilla.

Vanilla Butter pecan French vanilla Baby

Variant images by discord user Gianluca Zanna#0063

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