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A Tour Beyond BIOS BIOS 巡禮 EDK II White papers
Address-Space Layout Randomization 定址空間隨機布局 EDK II White papers
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) 進階組態與電源介面 EDK II White papers
Application 應用程式 MdePkg
Assembly Code 組合源碼 Nasm Setup
Application Programmer 應用程式設計師 Driver Developer
Authenticated Variable 認證變數 EDK II User Documentation
Backslash Character 反斜線字元 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Base Module(s) 基底模組 MdePkg
Base Tool(s) 基本建置工具 Build Description Files
BaseBoard Management Controller (BMC) 基板管理控制器 EDK II White papers
Binary Image(s) 二進制映像檔 MinnowBoardMax
Break Point 中斷點 How to debug OVMF with QEMU using GDB
Boot Device Selection (BDS) 啟動裝置選擇 OVMF Boot Overview
Boot Firmware Volume (BFV) 啟動韌體冊 OVMF Boot Overview
Boot Image(s) 開機映像檔 EDK II Specifications
Bugzilla Ticket Bugzilla 票證 SoftFeatureFreeze
Boot services 開機過程服務
C Coding Standards C語言編碼標準 EDK II Specifications
CamelCase 駝峰式大小寫 Code Style C
Capsule Based 膠囊基底式 EDKII Packages Capsule Based Firmware Update and Firmware Recovery
Capsule Image(s) 膠囊映像檔 EDK II Specifications
Coding Standards Specification 編碼標準規範 Code Style C
Codebase 源碼基底 IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Command 指令/命令 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Command Terminal 指令終端機 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Conf File(s) 配置檔 Common instructions
Cover-Letter 涵蓋文稿 EDK II Development Process
Customer Reference Board(CRB) 顧客參照板 IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Data Execution Protection (DEP) 資料執行保護 EDK II White papers
Date Published 發行日期 EDK II White papers
Debug Host Application 偵錯主機應用程式 SourceLevelDebugPkg
Debugger Agent 偵錯代理 SourceLevelDebugPkg
Definition(s) 定義 MdePkg
Description Files 組態描述檔 EDK II Specifications
Developer Release 開發者發行版 Wizard Getting Started
Document v. 載明 MdePkg
Driver 驅動程式 MdePkg
Driver Binding Protocol Start Function 驅動程式綁定協議開始函式 Build Description Files
Driver Developer Release 驅動程式開發者發行版 UEFI Driver Wizard
Driver Execution Environment (DXE) 驅動程式執行環境 EDK II White papers OVMF Boot Overview
Driver Execution Environmnet Initial Program Load (DXE IPL) 驅動程式執行環境初始程式載入 OVMF Boot Overview
Driver Wizard 驅動程式精靈 Wizard Getting Started
(UEFI) Driver Writer Guide (DWG) UEFI 驅動程式編碼指南 Driver Developer UEFI Driver Writer's Guide
Edit Menu 編輯選單 Using EDK II with Native GCC
EDK II Module Writer's Guide EDK II 模組編碼指南 EDK II User Documentation
EDK II User Documentation EDK II 使用者文獻 EDK II User Documentation
EDK II User Manual EDK II 使用者手冊 EDK II User Documentation
Embedded Controller (EC) 嵌入式控制器 EDK II White papers
Entry Point (程式)進入點 How to debug OVMF with QEMU using GDB
Environment Variable 環境變數 Using EDK II with Native GCC
expansion boards 擴充板 MinnowBoardMax
Field (for bit) (位元)區段 EDK II Debugging
Field (for data file) (資料)欄位 EDK II Specifications
Firmware Support Package 韌體支援套裝 IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Firmware Volume (FV) 韌體冊 EDK II Specifications OVMF Boot Overview
Flash Description File (FDF) 刷錄描述檔 EDK II Specifications
Force Push(ing) (Git) 強制推進 New to git
General Purpose x86 Assembler 通用x86組譯器 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Getting Started Guide 入門指南 EDK II White papers
Git Clone Git 克隆 Windows systems
Git Commit Git 提交 EDK II Development Process
Git Pull Git 拉取 Windows systems
Git Rebase Git 重定基 EDK II Development Process
Git Repositor(y|ies) Git 倉儲 Windows systems
Git Stage Git 預存 EDK II Development Process
Globally Unique Identifier(s) (GUID(s)) 全域唯一識別元 Build Description Files
Graphical User Interface (GUI) 圖形使用者介面 Windows systems
HTTP Boot 超文本傳輸協定開機 HyperText Transfer Protocol Boot EDK II White papers
HTTPS Boot 超文本傳輸安全協定開機 HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure Boot HTTP over TLS Boot EDK II White papers
Host Bus Adapter 主機匯流排配接器 EDK II White papers
Hyperthreading 超線程 Common instructions
Image Definition File (IDF) 映像定義檔 EDK II Specifications
Indentation 縮排 Code Style C
Independent Hardware Vendor (IHV) 獨立硬體供應商 Driver Developer
Industry Standard 工業標準
Information File 資訊檔 EDK II Specifications
Infrastructure 基礎要件
Integration Branch 整和分支 EDK II Development Process
Intel Architecture (IA) 英特爾(Intel)架構 EDK II White papers
Intel(R) UEFI Packaging Tool (UEFIPT) Intel(R) UEFI 套件工具 Build Description Files
Intellectual Property 智慧產權 MinnowBoardMax
Internal Forms Representation (IFR) 內部表單展現 EDK II Specifications
Internet prox(y|ies) 網路代理伺服器 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 網際網路中繼聊天 EDK II Development Process
Library Class(es) 函式庫類別 Build Description Files
Librar(y|ies) Instance(s) 函式庫實例
Local Variable(s) 區域變數 How to debug OVMF with QEMU using GDB
Macro(s) 巨集
Maker 創客 IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Meta-Data 後設資料 (直譯 解釋資料的資料) EDK II Specifications
Module Information File(INF) 模組資訊檔 Build Description Files
Native 原生 Using EDK II with Native GCC
NetWork 網絡 Using EDK II with Native GCC
New UEFI Driver Dialog 新 UEFI 驅動程式對話框 Wizard Getting Started
Open Compute Project(OCP) 開放伺服器計畫 EDK II Platforms
Open Source Hardware Association 開源硬體協會 IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Operating Systems Vendor (OSV) 作業系統供應商 Driver Developer
OS shim loader OS 墊片載入器 UEFI UBUNTU
OVMF (Open Virtual Machine Firmware) 開放性的虛擬機器韌體 OVMF Common instructions
Package 物件包/套件包 (!?) (various sets of packages - MdePkg.mediawiki)
Package Declaration File (DEC) 套件宣告檔 EDK II Specifications Build Description Files
Patch 補丁 EDK II Development Process
Path Separator Character 路徑分隔符號字元 Multiple_Workspace
Performance Optimization 效能優化 EDK II User Documentation
Peripheral Component Interconnect / Personal Computer Interface (PCI) 外部連結標準 / 個人電腦介面 EDK II White papers
Platform Configuration Database (PCD(s)) 平台配置資料庫 EDK II Debugging EDK II Specifications Build Description Files
Platform Description File (DSC) 平台組態描述檔 EDK II Specifications Build Description Files
Platform Feature(s) 平台功能(/特點) IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Port 網路埠 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Porting 平台開發導入 MdePkg
Pre-Boot 預啟動 EDK II White papers
Pre-EFI Initialization (PEI) 韌體前初始化 EDK II White papers OVMF Boot Overview
Pre-EFI Initialization Driver 韌體前初始化驅動程式 OVMF Boot Overview
Pre-EFI Module (PEIM) 韌體前模組 Build Description Files
Prefix 字首綴詞 Nasm Setup
Prompt 提示
Protocol(s) 協定 Build Description Files
(PEIM to PEIM Interface)(???) PPI(s) 韌體前模組同階介面 Build Description Files
Release 發行/ 發佈/ 釋出 EDK II User Documentation
Release Note(s) 發佈公告 MinnowBoardMax IntelAtomProcessorE3900
ResetVector (Reset Vector) 重置向量 OVMF Boot Overview
Revision 校訂版本 EDK II Specifications EDK II White papers UDK
RPM repositor(y|ies) RPM套件庫 How to run OVMF
SPI Programmer SPI 燒錄器 IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Runtime (RT) 運行時間 EDK II White papers
Runtime services 運行時間服務
Secure Boot 安全性啟動 Galileo UEFI UBUNTU EDK II User Documentation
Secure Boot polic(y|ies) 安全性啟動策略 EDK II User Documentation
Secruity (SEC) 安全性 EDK II White papers
Security Advisorie(s) 安全性公告 Reporting Security Issues
Security Core (SEC Core) 安全性核心 OVMF Boot Overview
Security Issue 安全性問題 Reporting Security Issues
Self-Certification Test (SCT) EDK II User Documentation
Shell 殼層 (通常指使用者使用介面) Using EDK II with Native GCC
Signed-off-by (Git) 署名 EDK II Development Process
Soft Feature Freeze 軟性功能凍結 SoftFeatureFreeze
Source Build Instructions 原始碼建置說明 MinnowBoardMax
Source Layout Window 源碼佈局視窗 How to debug OVMF with QEMU using GDB
Source Level Debug 源碼等級偵錯 Nasm Setup
Stack Canaries 金絲雀堆疊 EDK II White papers
step-by-step instructions 單步(驟)指示 Windows systems Using EDK II with Native GCC
Super I/O (SIO) 超級IO EDK II White papers
Susceptible to Malicious Behavior 容易受惡意行為影響 EDK II White papers
System Management Mode (SMM) 系統管理模式 EDK II White papers
TBD (To Be Determined) 待確定 IntelAtomProcessorE3900
Tech Support 技術支援 Start using UEFI
Template Specification 樣板規範 EDK II Specifications
Terminal Program 終端程式 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Toolchain 工具鏈 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Topic Branch 主題分支 EDK II Development Process
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 傳輸層安全性 EDK II White papers
UEFI Development Kit (UDK) UEFI 開發套件組合 UDK
Unicode 萬國碼、國際碼、統一碼、單一碼 EDK II Specifications Build Description Files
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) 統一可延伸韌體介面 Driver Developer
Universally Unquid Identifier (UUID) 全域唯一識別碼 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Upstream (Git) 上游 New to git
Usage Blcok 使用阻段 Build Description Files
User Identification (UID) 使用者識別 EDK II User Documentation
verbose 詳細(或進階) ex verbose mode
Visual Forms Representation (VFR) 虛擬表單展現 EDK II Specifications
Vulnerability 漏洞 EDK II White papers
Web Browser(s) 網頁瀏覽器 Using EDK II with Native GCC
Wizard-Getting-Started 開始精靈 Wizard Getting Started UEFI Driver Wizard Driver Developer
Workspace (Work Space) 工作區 Windows systems Build Description Files
Web vs Internet
--> 如何用一句英文解釋 10 個易混淆的熱門科技字 --> refer https://www.inside.com.tw/article/4287-10-tech-terms-people-get-confused
instruction vs command
--> Command vs Instruction - What's the difference? --> path: https://wikidiff.com/command/instruction --> As nouns the difference between command and instruction is that command is an order, a compelling task given to an inferior or a machine while instruction is (uncountable) the act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with information or knowledge. As a verb command is to order, give orders; to compel or direct with authority.
framework vs architechture
--> 小朱® 的技術隨手寫 - Framework 和 Architecture 有何不同? --> https://dotblogs.com.tw/regionbbs/2009/06/12/framework_vs_architecture
Git am Git 使用修補檔 (format-patch) --> .3 分散式 Git - 專案的管理 --> https://git-scm.com/book/zh-tw/v1/%E5%88%86%E6%95%A3%E5%BC%8F-Git-%E5%B0%88%E6%A1%88%E7%9A%84%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86 Git Clone Git 克隆 --> 2.1 Git 基礎 - 取得一個 Git 倉儲 --> refer: https://git-scm.com/book/zh-tw/ Git Pull Git 拉取 --> 2.5 Git 基礎 - 與遠端協同工作 --> refer: https://git-scm.com/book/zh-tw/ Git Stage Git 預存 --> 2.2 Git 基礎 - 紀錄變更到版本庫中 --> https://git-scm.com/book/zh-tw/v2/Git-%E5%9F%BA%E7%A4%8E-%E7%B4%80%E9%8C%84%E8%AE%8A%E6%9B%B4%E5%88%B0%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E5%BA%AB%E4%B8%AD Git Repositor(y|ies) Git 倉儲 --> 2.1 Git 基礎 - 取得一個 Git 倉儲 --> refer: https://git-scm.com/book/zh-tw/v2/Git-%E5%9F%BA%E7%A4%8E-%E5%8F%96%E5%BE%97%E4%B8%80%E5%80%8B-Git-%E5%80%89%E5%84%B2 (git) cover-letter 涵蓋文稿 --> git-format-patch - Prepare patches for e-mail submission --> https://git-scm.com/docs/git-format-patch another refer: --> 阮一峰 Git 教程 --> https://www.bookstack.cn/read/git-tutorial/docs-commands-git-add.md --> Yu-Cheng Chuang’s Blog - Git-rebase 小筆記 --> https://blog.yorkxin.org/2011/07/29/git-rebase.html Signed-of-by vs. Signature --> 为什么要Sign Off? --> https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000004044749
Meta-Data --> 技術服務小百科 後設資料( Metadata ) --> http://techserviceslibrary.blogspot.com/2011/04/metadata.html
目的查詢 (Conf Files) (之乎) config、option、setting这三者在程序世界里是什么区别? --> refer: https://www.zhihu.com/question/39827177