Start using UEFI - Wayne777Chiu/Chinese_Practice_about_TianoCore GitHub Wiki


UEFI 使用和支援今日在電腦運算領域上正急速成長。 我們的目標是產品製造商去創造產品來支援和使用 UEFI 在開機作業系統上。 假如你有興趣在 UEFI 的 EDK II 實作上,請看 來開始 用 EDK II。

然而,假如你本身是技術愛好者,你可能會去試用 UEFI。 你應該要注意的是 UEFI 是從一個程式開發者的立場而聚焦在改善韌體到作業系統 (OS) 的介面層;以一個使用者而言,你可能不會察覺到太多不同即使作業系統已經開始運行。

Table of Contents


本頁討論安裝 UEFI 相容的作業系統到你的電腦的方法。 這可能導致你的資料的損失在你的電腦硬碟上。 請僅在假使你的電腦硬碟無有價值的資料情況下,繼續流程。


我們的社群是專注一般開發者,我們不提供一般技術性支援在 UEFI 產品的使用。 假如你需要官方支援給你的 UEFI 產品,那麼你應該透過產品製造商來尋求技術支援。

UEFI 相容性韌體

為了使用 UEFI 的第一件事情是要有一個相容性韌體。

UEFI 相容性主機板

你可能有一個相容性韌體在你的主機板上。 假如你的主機板把 UEFI 相容性當成產品特色的列表,那很好。 假如沒有,那你可能需要檢查 韌體設定 (BIOS Setup),但結果可能會不同。

在你的主機板產品上可能有很多方法去啟動 UEFI 支援。 不幸的是,我們不能說明全部在這一頁面上。 但你可以在去進入韌體 (BIOS) 設定程式在你的產品上,和嘗試找到 UEFI 或 EFI 啟動問題。 有時候,這會放置在韌體設定的'開機'選單之下。


這個專案 OVMF 是我們社群的任務之一,會提供 UEFI 相容性韌體給 QEMUKVM 虛擬機器開發環境。

OVMF: the Open Virtual Machine Firmware


VirtualBox ( 是一個虛擬機器開發環境。 有更多最近的 VirtualBox 版本能啟動 UEFI 支援在 VM 設定 (VM settings) 裡的 'System' => 'Extended Features' => 'EFI support' 之下。

UEFI 相容性作業系統

我們的社群不產生一個 UEFI 相容性的作業系統。然而,我們這裡會列出一些有一些 UEFI 相容性的等級程度的作業系統。


Ubuntu 提供 UEFI 可開機 CD 映像檔給他們的 64-bit (X64) 發行版.


UEFI usage and support is rapidly growing in computing today. Our goal is to enable product manufacturers to create products that are shipped both supporting and using UEFI to boot the operating system. If you are interested in the EDK II implementation of UEFI please see Getting Started with EDK II.

However, if you are a technology enthusiast, then you may want to try out UEFI yourself. You should note that UEFI is focused on improving the firmware to OS interface from a code developer standpoint, and you may not notice much difference as a user once the operating system has started.


This page discusses methods to potentially install a UEFI compatible operating system on your computer. This can potentially lead to the loss of the data on your computer's hard drive. Please only proceed if you do not have valuable data on your computer's hard drive.

Tech Support Note

Our community is generally developer focused. We don't provide general technical support for usage of UEFI products. If you need official support for your UEFI product, then you should seek technical support from the product manufacturer.

UEFI compatible firmware

The first thing you will need in order to use UEFI is a compatible firmware.

UEFI compatible motherboard

You may have a UEFI compatible firmware in your motherboard. If your motherboard listed UEFI compatibility as a product feature, then this is good. If not, then you might still check the firmware (BIOS) setup, but your results may vary.

There are many possible ways that the motherboard product may enable UEFI support. Unfortunately, we can't document them all in this page. But, you might want to enter the firmware (BIOS) setup program for your product, and attempt to find a UEFI or EFI enabling question. Sometimes this can be found under the 'boot' menu of the firmware setup.


The OVMF project is part of our community tasks, and provides a UEFI compatible firmware for the QEMU and KVM virtual machine environments.


VirtualBox ( is a virtual machine environment. The more recent versions of VirtualBox can enable UEFI support in the VM settings under 'System' => 'Extended Features' => 'EFI support'.

UEFI compatible operating systems

Our community does not produce a UEFI compatible operating system. However, here we will list some operating systems which have some level of UEFI compatibility.


Ubuntu provides UEFI bootable CD images for their 64-bit (X64) releases.

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