eng_type_kompetansemaalsett_lk20 - Utdanningsdirektoratet/KL06-LK20-public GitHub Wiki

1. kompetansemaalsett_lk20 (competence_aim_set_lk20)


A set of competence aims, which applies to a specified year level or level according to the Knowledge Promotion LK20 (subject renewal)).

See also kompetansemaalsett (LK06).

Properties, kompetansemaalsett_lk20
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
id UUID Globally unique identifier for the competance aim set 1
kode (code@eng) String Lokally unique identifier for the competence aim set 1
uri URI Globally unique identifier for the competence aim set 1
url-data URI Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the competence aim set 1
tittel (title@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Title of the competence aim 1..*
kortform (short form@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Short form of the title 1..*
grep-type URI Specifies the type to be "kompetansemaalsett" 1
rekkefoelge (order@eng) Int Indicates place in the order when the competence aim sett is listed in the curriculum. 1
forklaring (explanation@eng) Array of language versioned text Educational text that is not part of the regulation, but written by the curriculum authors or those who manage the curriculum. 0..*
status URI Indicates whether the competence aim set is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng) 1
sist-endret (last-modified@eng) Timestamp Indicates when last changes were made to the data basis for the cometence aim set 1
kompetansemaal-overskrift (competence-aim-set-heading@eng) Array of language versioned regulatory text Chapter heading 1
kompetansemaal-ingress Array of language versioned regulatory text The text (language versioned) that appears as a preamble under the competence aim heading in the curriculum, and which introduces the list of competence aims that belong to the competence aim set.
Example: "Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne"@nob, "The pupil is expected to be able to"@eng
kompetansemaal (competence aims) Array of referanseobjekter Reference(s) to objects (of type kompetansemaal_lk20) which indicates which competence aims belong to the competence aim set 0..*
underveisvurdering (periodic-assessment@eng) Objekt Regulatory text for the competence aim set which describes periodic assessment 0..*
etter-fag (by subject@eng) Array of reference objects Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type opplaeringsfag) indicating what a group of pupils / apprentices / private candidates who are connected to this competence aim set should be taught (acts as a bridge between the subject code and the curriculum sphere) 0..*
etter-aarstrinn Array of refereces Property for competence aim set, indicating by what year the learner will have aquired the competences described by the set. 1
benyttes-paa-aarstrinn (used-at-year-levels@eng) Array of reference objects List of year levels to which this competence aim set applies 1
tilhoerer-laereplan(belongs-to-curriculum@eng) Reference object Reference to an object (of type laereplan_lk20) to indicate which curriculum the competence aim set belongs to 1

1.1 underveisvurdering (periodic-assessment@eng)


Regulatory text for the competence aim set which describes periodic assessment.

Properties, underveisvurdering
Proprty Type Description Multiplicity
overskrift (heading@eng) Object with array of language versioned regulatory text Fixed heading to competence aim settings section on periodic assessment.
Example: "Undervegsvurdering@nno", "Periodic assessment"@eng
beskrivelse (description@eng) Object with array of language versioned regulatory text Regulatory text with the competence aim set section on periodic assessment. 1
forklaring (explanation@eng) Array of language versioned text Pedagogical text that is not part of the regulation, but written by the curriculum authors or those who manage the curriculum, related to the object 0..*
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