eng_type_kompetansemaalsett - Utdanningsdirektoratet/KL06-LK20-public GitHub Wiki
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A set of competence goals, grouped under main subject areas, which applies to a specified set of year-level or level, according to Kunnskapsløftet LK06.
See also kompetansemaalsett_lk20
Proprty | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
id | UUID | Globally unique identifier for the competance aim set | 1 |
kode (code@eng) | String | Lokally unique identifier for the competence aim set | 1 |
uri | URI | Globally unique identifier for the competence aim set | 1 |
url-data | URI | Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the competence aim set | 1 |
tittel (title@eng) | Array of language versioned text | Title of the competence aim | 1..* |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type to be "kompetansemaalsett" | 1 |
etter-fag | Array of reference objects | Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type opplaeringsfag) that indicate what a group of pupils / apprentices / private candidates who are connected to this competence aim set are to be taught (acts as a bridge between the subject code and the curriculum sphere) | 0..* |
programfag | Array of reference objects | Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type programfag) which indicates which programme subject(s) it belongs to | 0..* |
hovedomraader-i-kontekst-av-kompetansemaalsett (main-subject-areas-in-context-of-competence-aim-set@eng) | Array of reference objects | Reference(s) to object(s) (of the type hovedomraade) which indicates which main subject area(s) it contains | 0..* |
tilhoerer-laereplan(belongs-to-curriculum@eng) | Reference object | Reference to an object (of type laereplan) to indicate which curriculum the competence aim set belongs to | 1 |
maal-for-kompetansemaalene-overskrift (goal-for-the-competence-aims-headline@eng) | Array av language versioned text | The text (language versioned) that appears as a preamble under the competence aim heading in the curriculum, and which introduces the list of competence aims that belong to the competence aim set. Example: "Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne"@nob, "The pupil is expected to be able to"@eng |
1 |
benyttes-paa-aarstrinn (used-at-year-levels@eng) | Array of reference objects | List of year levels to which this competence aim set applies | 1 |
etter-aarstrinn | Array of refereces | Property for competence aim set, indicating by what year the learner will have aquired the competences described by the set. | 1 |