Home - UTRA-ART/Caffeine GitHub Wiki

Written by: Erick Mejia Uzeda

Welcome to the Caffeine wiki! Development is done in ROS melodic on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

The information here is intended to help you get started to work on Caffeine.

Setting up the Environment

Caffeine is developed using the Robot Operating System (ROS) which is primarily supported on Ubuntu.

NOTE: each distribution of ROS is specific to a version of Ubuntu

The tricky part in setting up your environment is installing Ubuntu. Our suggestion is to dual-boot over using a Virtual Machine since we run simulations in Gazebo. Here are a few resources for dual-booting:

Once you have installed Ubuntu, head over to the README to complete the installation of ROS melodic.

NOTE: probably should make a shell script to automate the installation of ROS and the dependencies we use

Learning Resources

Below you will find resources linking either to other sections of the wiki or external documentation coming from the ROS wiki, GazeboSim and such. The 3 Fundamentals point to wikis that provide an overview on the fundamentals for each of their respective sections. The goal of those wikis is to provide enough background so that one feels ready to start a task pertaining to that section. The overall goal of all these references is to make finding information you are looking for and knowing what information to look for faster and easier!

Git / GitHub Summary

ROS Fundamentals

Simulation Fundamentals

Navigation Fundamentals