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What is CX? CX is Skycoin’s feature-rich programming language. It is designed to address the growing needs of Skycoin’s ambitious ecosystem of projects that can’t be satisfied with any other available languages.

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What is Skycoin and what are CoinHours? Skycoin was created as an answer to the shortcomings of both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Born out of necessity, no other coin was fulfilling Satoshi’s original vision of a fully decentralized digital currency.

Skycoin’s platform is free from centralization and manipulation through its revolutionary Obelisk consensus algorithm. It features CX, a turing complete programming language built from the ground up to allow hundreds of thousands of devs to easily deploy applications to the blockchain. Skycoin functions as a currency with virtually-free transactions, soon-to-be-implemented absolute privacy, and Visa-like speeds with inherent asset-backed value not based on speculation.

Holding Skycoin generates Coin Hours which are used to purchase services on the Skywire network and can be exchanged for more Skycoin.

To the Skycoin wiki ->


What is Skywire? Skywire is the next evolutionary step in the internet’s development and use. We want to break the chokehold that internet service providers (ISPs) have on the market by giving the power back to the people. We are doing this by providing a decentralized community-driven mesh network where users themselves will own and control the network’s infrastructure. Our goal is to provide everyone with access to fast, secure, private and reliable internet.

It is time to leave ISPs as a relic of the past. Customers routinely have their browsing data tracked, stored and sold by ISPs, and at the same time experience unreliable coverage and poor customer service. Instead of relying on corporate-owned networks, the Skywire mesh network runs on widespread user-owned nodes which come together to provide the infrastructure for the network, allowing communities to power their internet access.

To the Skywire wiki ->


What is CXO? CXO (CX Object Systems) is the Skycoin immutable object system, previously called Aether. Designed to replace current conventional methods of peer-to-peer sharing, CXO creates a robust storage system that supersedes services like BitTorrent, Dropbox, and Google Drive. Data is replicated peer-to-peer utilizing the Skycoin CXO library.

CXO incorporates and expands on the protocols utilized in other blockchain-based storage networks. CXO is an IPLD, with a built-in schema that sets constraints to classify relatable databases. InterPlanetary File Systems (IPFS) can be built on top of CXO. CXO provides data distribution over the Skywire network and is useful for data that must be secure and verifiable yet doesn't need storage on the blockchain.

To the CXO wiki ->


What is dmsg? > Text about dmsg

To the dmsg wiki ->

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