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Skycoin is a next-generation cryptocurrency.

Skycoin was written from scratch and designed over four years to realize the ideal of Bitcoin and represents the apex of cryptocurrency design. Skycoin is not designed to add features to Bitcoin, but rather improves Bitcoin by increasing simplicity, security and stripping out everything non-essential.

Some people have hyped the Skycoin Project as leading into "Bitcoin 3.0". The coin itself is not "Bitcoin 3.0", but is rather "Bitcoin 1.0". Bitcoin is a prototype crypto-coin. Skycoin was designed to be what Bitcoin would look like if it were built from scratch, to remedy the rough edges in the Bitcoin design.

  • no duplicate coin-base outputs
  • enforced checks for hash collisions
  • simple deterministic wallets
  • no transaction malleability
  • no signature malleability
  • removal of the scripting language
  • CoinJoin and normal transactions are indistinguishable
  • elimination of edge-cases that prevent independent node implementations
  • <=10 second transaction times
  • elimination of the need for mining to achieve blockchain consensus

