levels - RichardAlexanderGreen/WorldGovGame GitHub Wiki

The fan-out is generally factors of eight until geographic boundaries limit the fan-out. The population of various levels may vary by a factor of 12 or so. The main distinguishing factor is not the population, but the nature of what the level administers.

  • A typical household has 2 adult citizens. But the number of adults varies between 1 and 4, and about 20-25% of households will have one or two children (aged 20 or less).
    Our administrative levels do not include household governance.
  • A neighborhood block has at least 8 households - roughly 16 adults and 4 children. (children aged zero to twenty)
    • The geography of an ideal (low-density) block includes a central "spare lot" to be administered by the block's citizens.
    • A block's infrastructure may also include shared walking paths, parking areas, landscaping, lighting - distinct or excluded from neighborhood responsibilities.
  • A neighborhood has eight blocks.
    • A low-density population is about 128 adults with 32 children.
    • A neighborhood administers one vacant block - typically a park square but other usages, such as parking may make more sense to the residents.
    • A neighborhood administers its own security infrastructure and internal streets and walkways.
  • A ward has eight neighborhoods.
    • A low-density population is about 1000 adults with 250 children.
      (We are rounding-down to simplify arithmetic from this level up.)
    • Each ward administers child care, a nursery school (preschool), an elementary school (grades K through 5), and recreational facilities.
  • A village has eight wards.
    • A low-density population is about 8,000 adults with 2,000 children.
    • Each village administers a middle School (grades 6,7,8) and a high school (grades 9-12).
    • A village administers a central area zoned for small business (retail and light industry), a walk-in health-care clinic, and a small hospice.
    • A village provides care for its own indigent, handicapped, and elderly.
    • A village manages its local streets.
  • A county has eight villages.
    • A low-density population is about 64,000 adults with 16,000 children.
    • A county administers a community college / vocational school to serve 3-4,000 teens and adults.
    • Infrastructure includes a small hospital, district court, and social rehabilitation facilities.
    • The county manages minor roads that are outside villages.
    • In addition the the villages, the county includes sufficient agricultural area for population sufficiency.
      • We will allocate about 2 hectare per person.
      • We will need about 160,000 hectare.
      • This implies that a low-population county requires about 1,600 square kilometer (40 kilometer by 40 kilometer).
  • A metro has eight county.
    • A low-density population is about 512,000 adults with 128,000 children.
    • The metro area should be over 12,800 square kilometer to include sufficient farm land.
    • A metro supports a small college, a general hospital, utilities, public transportation, and major (inter-village) highways.
  • A province has eight metros.
    • A low-density population is about 4 million adults with 1 million children.
    • The province area should be over well over 100,000 square kilometer to allow sufficient farm land and wild areas.
    • A province supports a free university, specialized health facilities.
    • A province manages its own disaster planning and disaster volunteers (volunteer brigades).
      In an major disaster, province will send volunteers to other provinces.
    • Note: Armies are unneeded and illegal. No brigades may be organized above this level.
  • A region has eight provinces.
    • A low-density population is about 32 million adults with 8 million children.
    • A region manages the regional transportation systems including highways, rails, canals, and airports.
    • A region manages navigable waterways.
    • A region supports agriculture research for the local agricultural industry.
  • A continental has eight regions.
    • A low-density population is about 256 million adults with 64 million children.
    • A continental supports continental highways, rails, and air traffic control.
  • A planetary has eight continental subdivisions.
    • The low-density population is about 2 billion adults with 500 million children.
    • The planetary supports inter-continental infrastructure.
      • The planetary controls the oceans and seas, atmosphere, electromagnetic bandwidth, near-earth orbits, and the planetary currency.
    • The planetary is responsible for preventing and responding to epidemics.
    • The planetary supports major research initiatives in the basic sciences.
    • The planetary adjudicates regional and continental disputes.
      • The planetary enforces disarmament.
      • In an planet-wide emergency, a planetary may muster an army by drafting citizens from the entire population.
  • The solar has planetary subdivisions.
    • The current subdivisions include Earth, Lunar, Mars, Belt.
    • The solar taxes and regulates corporations.
      • Corporations are defined to include any kind of limited liability company.
      • There is a separate forum for corporations. Corporate Plenum. =======
        • The planetary may muster an army by drafting citizens from the entire population.
        • Since armies and wars are illegal, a planetary army should only be needed if some governmental unit or corporation has gone rogue.
      • The planetary is supported by an annual head tax paid by all non-indigent citizens.
  • The solar has planetary subdivisions.
    • The current subdivisions include Earth, cislunar, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Belt.
    • The solar taxes and regulates corporations.
      • Corporations are defined to include any kind of limited liability company.
      • There is a separate legislature for corporations. Corporate Plenum.
      • Human representatives are drafted at random from registered corporation employees.
      • Representatives have equal votes regardless of the taxes paid by their respective corporations.
    • Solar provides interplanetary infrastructure.
      • Radiation prediction and warning.
      • Collision avoidance (includes tracking of both natural and man-made objects).
      • Space junk clean-up.

Note that every level of administration may delegate to the levels below, and collaborate up, down, and sideways. However, unfunded mandates are not acceptable. (Perhaps, such delegation should require that the citizens of the affected jurisdiction vote to accept the mandate.)

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