Example Programs - RethinkRobotics/sdk-docs GitHub Wiki

The following Baxter Example programs can be run from the development workstation.

Enable Robot Example (Start Here) - Fundamental tool for Enabling Baxter before use and checking state.


[Joint Position Examples](Joint Position Example) - Joystick, keyboard and file record/playback examples using joint position control of Baxter's arms.

[Joint Torque Springs Examples](Joint Torque Springs Example) - Joint torque control example applying virtual spring torques.

[Joint Velocity Wobbler Example](Wobbler Example) - Simple demo that moves the arm with sinusoidal joint velocities.

[Joint Velocity Puppet Example](Puppet Example) - Simple demo which mirrors moves of one arm on the other in Zero-G.

[Inverse Kinematics Service Example](IK Service Example) - Basic use of Inverse Kinematics solver service.

Simple Joint Trajectory Example - Simple demo using the joint trajectory interface.

Joint Trajectory Playback Example - Trajectory playback using the joint trajectory interface.

Head Movement Example - Simple demo moving and nodding the head.

Gripper Example - Joystick and Keyboard control for the grippers.

Input and Output

Camera Control Example - Demonstrates usage for listing, opening, and closing the available cameras.

View Cameras Example - Simple tool for viewing camera feed on development machine.

Screen Display - Example tool for displaying image files (png, jpeg) on the Head Screen.

I/O Example - Flash the lights on the digital outputs.

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