Display Image Example - RethinkRobotics/sdk-docs GitHub Wiki

Display an image to Baxter's head


Use xdisplay_image to display an image to Baxter's head display.


Display an image (e.g. .png or .jpg) to Baxter's head display. Baxter display resolution is 1024 x 600 pixels.


Run xdisplay_image from an RSDK terminal session using:

$ rosrun baxter_examples xdisplay_image.py --file=`rospack find baxter_examples`/share/images/baxterworking.png

Replace the --file argument with the path to your own image.

To see help for the xdisplay_image program, run:

$ rosrun baxter_examples xdisplay_image.py -h

xdisplay_image.py [ARGUMENTS]

-h, --help          This screen
-f, --file [PATH]   Path to image file to send



For common issues specific to using xdisplay_image with Baxter, check out the Troubleshooting page.

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