IrposGitHub - RCPRG-ros-pkg/irp6_robot GitHub Wiki
IRp-6 GitHub mini wiki
Working with irp6_robot repository
forking repository
All the general purpose irp6 packages are stored in:
- Login to your GitHub account by browser, and find repository you want to fork.
As an example we will be using irp6_robot package.
- Click Fork button by the right side of the repo name.
- Now your repository is forked.
After that you can configure your package inside IRPOS workspace. If you downloaded IRPOS by this tutorial, GitHub repository is already set, and connected with original repo.
- go to the package folder
cd ~/ws_irp6/robot/src/irp6_robot
- add remote repository
git remote add REPONAME https://[email protected]/LOGIN/irp6_robot.git
- where LOGIN is your GitHub account name.
Committing changes
After changing files you may commit changes to your forked repo or your project repo
- Add files you want to commit
git add FILENAME
- Prepare your first commit
git commit -m "Commit name"
- Now push to your forked repository using name specified while adding remote
git push REPONAME
Pull requests to RCPRG repositories
When your software is vital for the whole system you should make make a pull request to rcprg repo, using www page. Remember about code quality ;) You can check it in our Jenkins testing system by commenting tour pull request with test this please phrase.
Working with your repository
- Firstly create your repository at GitHub www page
- Then, clone it in ~/ws_irp6/robot/src/ directory
- Refresh the Eclipse project to see the new directories
- Create Ros packages in your repository, especially bringup package
- Follow the general source code maintenance and compilation rules for Eclipse
- Remember to commit and push your code to GitHub regularly (at least once a day)