Dependencies - RCChan5/BioLockJ GitHub Wiki

BioLockJ requires Java 1.8+ and a Unix-like operating system such as Darwin/macOS.

  • Dependencies are required by modules listed in the BioModule Function column.
  • Users DO NOT NEED TO INSTALL dependencies if not interested in the listed modules.
    • For example, if you intend to classify 16S samples with RDP and WGS samples with Kraken, do not install: Bowtie2, GNU Awk, GNU Gzip, MetaPhlAn2, Python, QIIME 1, or Vsearch.
# Program Version BioModule Function Link
1 Bowtie2 2.3.2 Metaphlan2Classifier: Build reference indexes download
2 GNU Awk 4.0.2 AwkFastaConverter: Convert Fastq to Fasta BuildQiimeMapping: Format metadata as QIIME mapping QiimeClosedRefClassifier: Build batch mapping files download
3 GNU Gzip 1.5 AwkFastaConverter: Decompress .gz files Gunzipper: Decompress .gz files download
4 Kraken 0.10.5-beta KrakenClassifier: Report WGS taxonomic summary download
5 MetaPhlAn2 2.0 Metaphlan2Classifier: Report WGS taxonomic summary (WGS) download
6 Python 2.7.12 BuildQiimeMapping: Run MergeQiimeOtuTables: Run QiimeClosedRefClassifier: Run QiimeDeNovoClassifier: Run QiimeOpenRefClassifier: Run QiimeClassifier: Run,,,,, and Metaphlan2Classifier: Run download
7 PEAR 0.9.8 Paired-End reAd merger PearMergeReads Merge paired Fastq files since some classifiers (RDP & QIIME) will not accept paired reads. download
8 QIIME 1 1.9.1 Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology BuildQiimeMapping: Validate QIIME mapping MergeQiimeOtuTables: Merge otu_table.biom files QiimeClosedRefClassifier: Pick OTUs by reference QiimeDeNovoClassifier: Pick OTUs by clustering QiimeOpenRefClassifier: Pick OTUs by reference and clustering QiimeClassifier: Report 16S taxonomic summary download
9 R 3.5.0 R_CalculateStats: Statistical modeling R_PlotPvalHistograms: Plot p-value histograms for each reportable metadata field R_PlotOtus: Build OTU-metadata boxplots and scatterplots R_PlotMds: Plot by top MDS axis R_PlotEffectSize: Build barplot of effect magnetude by OTU/taxa download
10 R-coin 1.2 COnditional Inference procedures in a permutatioN test framework R_CalculateStats: Compute exact Wilcox_test p-values download
11 R-ggpubr 0.1.8 R_PlotPvalHistograms: Set color palette R_PlotMds: Set color palette R_PlotEffectSize: Set color palette download
12 R-Kendall 2.2 R_CalculateStats: Compute rank correlation p-values for continuous data types download
13 R-properties 0.0-9 R_Module: Reads in the MASTER Configuration properties file from the pipeline root directory download
14 R-stringr 1.2.0 R_Module: For string manipulation for handling Configuration properties download
15 R-vegan 2.5-2 R_PlotMds: Ordination methods, diversity analysis and other functions for ecologists. download
16 RDP 2.12 Ribosomal Database Project RdpClassifier: Report 16S taxonomic summary download
17 Vsearch 2.4.3 QiimeDeNovoClassifier: Chimera detection QiimeOpenRefClassifier: Chimera detection download

Version Dependencies

  • The Version column contains the version tested during BioLockJ development, but other versions can often be substituted.
  • Major releases (such as Python 2 vs. Python 3) contain API changes that will not integrate with the current BioLockJ code.
  • Application APIs often change over time, so not all versions are supported. For example, Bowtie2 did not add the large index functionality until version 2.3.2.