Users - OysteinAmundsen/gymsystems GitHub Wiki

This document describes the different user roles in our system, what they can do and help you to create one with the correct privileges for yourself. Our goal is for this to be as autonomous as possible.


The functionality of the system is very much based on the authority you as a user posesses. This is to secure a fair competition by limiting access. Therefore we need clearly defined roles in order to separate what users can and cannot do.

  • Spectator (Not logged in)

    Everyone without a login is a Spectator, and will be able to browse the results of past tournaments and view information on upcoming tournaments. You will be able to follow the current tournament with live updates as they are published.

  • Club

    As a Club representative, you will be able to register gymnasts and arrange them in teams. You will be able to view past achievements and get an overview on your teams progress. When tournaments are available, you can easily enter your teams, and upload music for each team and discipline.

    You will only be able to register and edit teams belonging to your own club.

  • Secretariat

    These users are usually invited by an Organizer, and is intended to work beside the judges to insert scores into the system.

    When executing the tournament, an Organizer or its Secretariat can start and stop a teams execution at the push of a button, and the teams own uploaded music will follow. You will be able to register points as they come in and you will have full control over when the total score is to be published. The system also provides in-hall monitor display, giving audience running information about the scores and currently executing team.

  • Organizer

    As an Organizer, you will be able to create tournaments and invite clubs to enter. We will automatically calculate the execution schedule for you and make sure all teams entered are represented. You will of course be able to manually rearrange at will.

    An Organizer only has the privileges to manage tournament he/she has created. For any other tournament, he/she has Club representative privileges.

  • Admin

    If you require the highest level of privileges, you must talk to someone with Admin privileges. An Admin user has total unrestricted access to the entire system. This user group cannot be registered. They must be created or upgraded by another admin.

Registerring users

In order to use the system from any other perspective than that of a spectator, you need a user. A user is defined to have the following properties:

  • A name - Used to identify your account.
  • An email - Used to communicate credentials and any changes to your account.
  • A password - OBS! We only store encrypted passwords. There is no way of retrieving your password in plaintext after it's created.
  • A role - Defines your privileges in the system
  • A club - Users not part of the Admin role, must also belong to a Club.

Users can be created in two ways:

If you already have access to the system, there is a configuration panel called Users where you can add additional users. But you can never add a user to a different club than your own, or a higher privilege level (role) than your own. User creation

The other way is through a self registration panel found during login. Organizers of tournaments, or club representatives wanting to partake in tournaments are encouraged to register themselves. Registration

In the register panel, you can only register a user with either the Club role or the Organizer role. If you require any other type of role, you will need to talk to someone with higher privileges to set this up for you.

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