Event - OysteinAmundsen/gymsystems GitHub Wiki

This document describes how a tournament event is to be executed. We will cover which roles are responsible for what during the execution, and what information which is available to these.

If you came here looking for information on how to create a Tournament or how to add teams to a tournament, lookup these links instead.

How to execute a tournament

The execution of an event depends on a lot of roles. This document describes what is expected per role.

The roles are based on level inheritance, which means that the higher roles inherit the privileges from the lower levels and extends those with its own privileges. In example, a secretariat has all the privileges of a club + some extra not available to users with lower privilege roles.

From a spectators viewpoint

A spectator is defined as the audience, and has only access to view the tournament schedule live list and the results board.

Live view


The schedule live view displays the schedule as a data-grid, where each row represents one team executing a single discipline. It's called a live view, because data will be pushed to your browser automatically when there are changes available. The team currently on the floor is marked as a light green row. The score column will update automatically as scores are actively published.

Results view


At the top right corner of the view, you will find a button which will take you to the results view. This is also a live view where the data is sorted by highest score so you can always see which teams are in the lead.

From a clubs viewpoint

In addition to the above, a club representative has the privilege of entering teams. Other than that, they have no function in the system during the event.

From a secretariats viewpoint

The secretariat (also known as punchers) sit besides the judges and receives scores as judges produce them. They are responsible for entering the scores from scorecards and into the system. This is done with special editors made available directly from the live-view.


From an organizers viewpoint

During the event, the organizer will act as the secretariat supervisor. The secretariat has the same set of privileges here, but we recommend there be one dedicated person in charge of running the event.

Publishing scores

When the scores are entered, they need to be published in order to be made available to the audience. The organizer or secretariat supervisor will view an extra action column in the live view. This will contain buttons for starting and stopping the execution of a team, and publish scores.

action buttons

Start and stop execution

The start and stop buttons also control the music. Each team has uploaded a music score which they want played when they are executing their discipline. It is therefore recommended that the person responsible for starting and stopping teams has a dedicated computer which is also hooked up to the sound system of the arrangement.

In-hall monitor displays

The organizer or the secretariat supervisor will also have the opportunity to setup dedicated in-hall monitors which will allways display updated information about the tournament.


Rollback scoreboard

The organizer has one privilege the secretariat does not have. The ability to rollback the execution. If anything goes wrong and the execution plan needs to be reset to a point, the organizer is the only person who can do this. It is done from the score editor with a special Rollback to here button:


Be aware that this will delete all scores in this row and every row after, so use with caution.