Page Index - OpenRoberta/openroberta-lab GitHub Wiki
74 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Adding a New Arduino Library
- Adding a New Block to the Lab
- Adding a new plugin
- Adding new Blocks to the Lab
- Arduino Create Agent
- Calliope mini and Micro:bit Programs: Transfer via Bluetooth
- Colors and Colours in OpenRoberta
- Community
- Concurrency Nonsequential Execution Eventing in NEPO
- Create a tutorial editor for user
- Creating the OR leJOS image
- Custom Toolboxes
- Database Model
- Describing and visualizing the database usage model
- Describing the REST Endpoint structure and usage through the frontend
- Develop a generic Interpreter for The Simulator's Byte Code
- EV3 and ev3dev
- EV3 and leJOS
- EV3 as a Storage Device
- Expression block ... and more
- General Sensor Actor Block for Arduino
- Generating test programs for our CI system Bamboo
- Git Workflow for Team Members
- Google Summer of Code
- Group Accounts
- Groups for Teachers
- Guide for Contributors (Forks and Pull Requests)
- Importing into Eclipse
- Importing into IntelliJ
- Importing into Visual Studio Code
- Instructions to run a openroberta lab server using DOCKER
- Instructions to run the Open Roberta Lab Server natively on ubuntu ‐ not recommended
- Integration tests
- Lists
- Mbed DAL: Generation and Automation
- NAO client
- Nepo assertion and debugging
- NEPO2Image
- Notes on Using Blockly and its XML
- Notifications format
- Open Roberta Connector
- Open Roberta Connector in Go
- Plugin Structure for Robots
- Project Ideas
- Python server protocol library
- Raspberry Pi 2 3 4 and the Open Roberta Lab
- Refactoring
- Relate NEPO blocks to target code
- Roadmap
- Robot connectivity matrix
- Robot Systems Resposibilities
- SenseBox
- SenseBox implementation
- Setting up a virtualenv for blockly
- Simple symmetric flow of control
- Support for custom assets (EV3, NXT)
- Support for custom sensor and actor blocks
- System Overview
- Tangibles
- Textly
- The Benefit of Rebasing
- The NEPO debugger
- The NEPO language
- The Robot Server Protocol
- Transformers
- Translations
- Tutorials
- Typicons
- URL parameters
- Used Blockly blocks (3.5.1)
- Visualize the robot's configuration more realistically
- Workflow for robot specific integration tests
- Workflows, Worker and Visitors