NEPO2Image - OpenRoberta/openroberta-lab GitHub Wiki

preconditions: experience with TypeScript, Java, REST, usability, teaching

context: OpenRoberta is a learning platform. It uses a graphical programming language (based on blockly) and has code generators/loader for many robots and embedded systems used in education. Browse through . Use the simulator and write some simple programs

problem: Here we already have a nice tool with it one can create a zip file containing all SVGs and PNGs related to the programm. Unfortunately it does not consider the new configuration. Our users also ask for a simple print functionality where the program an the configuration is nicely printed into a PDF e.g.

idea: Let's extend the Open Roberta Lab with two new functionalities:

  • export all programming and configuration blocks ready to use them for creating learing units
  • print the current program and configuration nicely as a PDF


  • Analyse the the "old" NEPO2Image tool and make design suggestions on how the functionality could be integrated into the lab. Implement it in a way that people intuitively can work with it.
  • Present ideas how a printed version of a NEPO program might look like, what information is needed, what information is optional?

note: Do not underestimate task 2, you might have to rearrange the blockly blocks to achieve the goal.

contact: beate.jost AT iais.fraunhofer and / or reinhard.budde AT