HW Configurator - ORKA-HPC/orka-hpc-llp GitHub Wiki
Content of this page: Instructions on how to use the ORKA-HPC LLP HW Configurator
ORKA-HPC LLP HW Configurator
The HW Configurator is a helper tool for generating and exporting configuration files for the
ORKA-HPC LLP Bitstream Generator. It is primarily intended to help describe the desired
hardware configuration. This includes peripheral components of the on-FPGA-infrastructure as well
as the topology of HLS kernels that shall be included in the design. Available options depend on
the target FPGA board. We provide default configurations for all supported FPGA boards that should
fit most applications in hw/orka_hw_configurator/default_configs
If you wish to include additional IPs (such as accelerators built with the ORKA-HPC LLP IP Builder)
then you may do so by adding them to the configuration using the -ip
or -ips
How to build:
Run make hw-dep
from the ORKA-HPC LLP root directory.
How to run:
configurator -config {FILE} -o {DIR} [OPTION]...
-config {FILE}
Specify JSON LLP description file.
-o {DIR}
Export directory for generated config files and scripts.
-bitstream_export_dir {DIR}
Stores a copy of the bitstream and json file in the specified directory.
-cpus {NUMBER}
Specify how many cpu cores to be used during Synth and Impl.
-defaults {FILE}
Specify JSON LLP description file (e.g. from default_configs). Values specified
in the JSON file provided by '-config' will overwrite these defaults.
-design_dir {DIR}
Specify the working directory. If unset the export dir (set with '-o') will be used.
Enable GUI when running Vendor Toolchains (Xilinx Vivado, Intel Quartus).
List all options with short descriptions.
Add IP to design. This option can be added multiple times.
-ips {FILE}
Specify JSON IP description file.
Only build Block Design and skip Synth, Impl, Bs-gen. (Xilinx only).
Please refer to the examples to see how to use this tool within a complete workflow.
Once you prepared your hardware configuration you may continue with the Bitstream Generator.