Examples - ORKA-HPC/orka-hpc-llp GitHub Wiki
Content of this page: Description of the ORKA-HPC LLP Examples
The primary purpose of the examples is to demonstrate the intended workflow through ORKA-HPC LLP. The example folder contains sample C++ source code and bash scripts targeting different FPGA boards:
- Digilent Arty A7-35
- Digilent Arty A7-100
- Xilinx VCU118 Development Board
- Intel Arria 10 GX Development Board
In a first step an IP is built from sample C++ source code intended to be executed on an FPGA using HLS. Then we describe the desired hardware configuration using the ORKA-HW-Configurator and launch the bitstream generator. Once the bitstream has been written to the disk, we configure the FPGA via JTAG
The general workflow is as follows:
- Build IPs from C/C++ source code
- Describe the desired hardware configuration using orka-hw-configurator
- Generate the bitstream
- Configure the FPGA
- Execute your program
Once the FPGA has been configured you may communicate with the FPGA using the ORKA-HPC GenericDriver (orkagd). We include a sample program (in C language) that:
- initializes orkagd
- transfers data to the FPGA
- starts the sample HLS kernel
- waits until the kernel has finished
- transfers data back to the host
For more details please refer to the run_[target-board]_.sh
bash scripts as they should be easy to