Page Index - NatLibFi/Skosmos GitHub Wiki
35 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the Skosmos wiki!
- Installing, configuring and using Skosmos
- Somewhat outdated documentation but possibly still useful
- About the software
- Development processes
- Backend architecture
- Branches and Tags
- Configuration
- Continuous Integration Services
- Cypress AXE accessibility testing
- Cypress UI tests
- Data Model
- Embedded JSON LD
- FAQ and Troubleshooting
- FusekiTuning
- Install Skosmos using a Vagrant VM
- Install Skosmos with Fuseki in Docker
- Installation
- InstallFusekiJenaText
- InstallTutorial
- Plugins
- Release Process
- ReverseProxy
- Roadmap
- ServingLinkedData
- Setting the property order
- Skosmos 3.0 Roadmap
- TextAnalysisConfiguration
- Translation
- Translation for Skosmos 3
- Unit and integration tests
- Upgrading
- Vocabularies