Page Index - MichaLasry/ImageTalke GitHub Wiki
35 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the imageTalk wiki!
- application status
- Behaviour : Sequence and or State Diagrams
- CRC Cards & Class Diagrams
- Customer Page
- Deployment Diagrams
- How to install the application.
- inception
- Iteration 0 ZFR
- Iteration 1 MVP
- Iteration 2
- Iteration 2 BFSC
- Iteration 3 Functionality
- iteration 4 firebase & customer & tests
- Main Page
- Non functional Requirements
- Persistence
- Product documentation
- Product documentation SDS
- project summary development
- project summary.
- Prototype
- Risk Management
- Team Page
- User Manual
- User Stories
- Data Security
- דרישות סביבה
- הקדמה
- סיפורי משתמשים
- תבנית סיכום סקר דרישות תוכנה
- תרחישי שימוש