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Introduction Document Goals

This document will outline in detail the software architecture and design for the Project 'Image Talk' web application. This document will provide several views of the system's design in order to facilitate communication and understanding of the system. It intends to capture and convey the significant architectural and design decisions that have been made for this project.

Main Product Features & Capabilities

  • Chat system - Another primary requirement made by the client is the ability to send instant messages between Therapist and Patient.

The risk is answered: There is a difference between the therapist's relationship with the patient and between the patient and the therapist. Both parties will use with WhatsApp, and messages get pushed to the top when new messages come in. When the patient wants to send a message to the therapist he creates a sentence and sends to the appropriate contact, the sentence is sent when it is written (after conversion of the images) by WhatsApp. When the contact wants to send a message to the patient, they will send the message via a recording in WhatsApp.

this risk is Critical.

  • user interface - present all the user's relevant data in a concise and easy to understand manner.

The risk is answered: the risk of making the user experience too cumbersome. the patients are not "professionals" so they simply want to sent the needed information as fast as possible. The user interface will be centralized and easy to understand.

this risk is Medium.

  • Inserting a new picture - When a contact adds a picture to the patient to the database, the system may not recognize the image and there will be a problem converting the sentence.

The risk is answered: When a contact inserts a picture into the application repository it will be forced to insert a caption or soundtrack describing the image.

this risk is Low.

  • Inability to express - when the patient can not express himself by the given images.

The risk is answered: The application will have an SOS button to read the desired contact.

this risk is Critical.