Party Sheet - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

The best place to keep track of PC domains is on the party sheet. This extension adds two new tabs to the party sheet to keep track of your players' domain: the Domain tab, and the Pwr Pool tab.

Domain Tab

This tab contains the skill, defenses, and development tracks for your domain. You can initiate rolls from the skills fields.

domain tab

You can set the PC's domain stats and powers by dropping a domain onto the party sheet. This will copy all of the stats, development tracks, powers, and features to the party sheet.

Copying Domain to Party Sheet

Domain Titles

Titles can be assigned to PCs on the domain tab, and drag/dropped onto the abilities tab of the PC sheet.

domain titles

Power Pool Tab

This tab contains everything relevant to the power pool. Players can drag/drop dice into and out of the power pool to use them.

For more details, see Domain Powers and Using Power Dice

power pool tab