Domain Powers - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

Domain powers allow players to use power dice in many ways. To support this, domain powers function very similar to player spells/abilities on the actions tab of the PC sheet.

Using the radial menu, you can add actions to a domain power; currently you can only add saving throws and effects as those are the only types necessary to cover all options in Kingdoms and Warfare. That said, many domain powers won't use any actions, and must simply be handled on the fly by the GM and players.

For more details on how to create effects that utilize the power die, see Using Power Dice

adding domain power

Default Domain Power Actions

Many of the player domain powers found in Kingdoms and Warfare are built into the extension. To add these default actions to your domain powers, simply click the "Add Default Actions" button on the power pool tab of the party sheet. If the domain power is something that can be handled through saving throws or effects, those actions will be added to the power.

A handful of domain powers will only work if the Aura Effects extension is loaded. If you do not have this extension loaded and attempt to add actions to a power that requires it, a chat message will inform you that the actions failed to add.

adding actions to domain powers