devices - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki

Singularity may offer the perfect OS for any device that publishes or receives data and could penetrate every device out there, from point-of-sale terminals, to ticker-tape machines, ATMs and replace their broken, monolithic, proprietary OS with a peer-2-peer, newscasting-enabled OS to actually assist social and device cohesi0n rather than break it down.

Calls can be received by an empty "<<", sent automatically by the button on the phone and sent with "'>> nnn/nodename'" which will open up an audio channel on the device.

Booting the OS will present the screen with a color-coded "cloud" screen showing the state of the collective Soup and density of uncollected messages.

Intermixed or separate from that is the World Map -- the global state of nodes in coordinate space, color-coded and positioned appropriately. Users can zoom around or rotate this map to get a view of the world's state. Flashing nodes indicate activity and users will be able to see what's happening.

Preliminary voice commands:

  • CALL (person in set of contacts)
  • SCHEDULE (event or NEW event) changes existing event or
  • QUERY (TIME, ?)
  • SET (parameters of the system, NOCALLS, etc.)
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