biomimicry - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki

Biomimicry is the utilizing of biological analogs in man-made processes. One does this to borrow some of the epic solutions that Nature has derived/evolved. an OS, you might say, allowing you to think task by task, automate known items, maintain security, and keep everything in smooth, efficient order without occupying so many cycles of your own thought.

Between the Cloud major coordinate space, there is a "stomach" of sorts that moderates the exchange between the two systems. This stomach holds thoughts waiting for the other system, while the Soup-side queues up "spiritual" messages. The coordinate view hold purgatory for malevolent or misbehaving objects and the Soup holds the wants list.

A node represents a cell. Inside the cell are objects and subapplications. On the inside of the cell are the (static) file contents for the node arranged like a [hash file system]]. Users can name their files using [files and the system can peer through and connect to them as leaves. Users must name their files specially not to be connected to the data network and learn to not put identifying information into them. When the network connects to content this way, it does not keep any personally identifying information (like node source). This is much how language has words that have deep semantics and subtle meanings??? (Is this desireable?).

An object that is waiting for a long time on a priority task, may make waste by-products that get other nodes to hustle to help.