WANT - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki

A WANT language, where key words (taken from the category ontology) can be placed in relationship to express the exact thing or some approximation to it. Perhaps a dictionary of dicts: {DATA: {"United States" : "Income indexed on State"}} The first key word specifies a view, it is much like the OS/hardware view, but the keywords, like DATA, start from the top, specifying one of the views. The rest, then, the primary and then secondary index terms for this key word. Where there is no existing category, one must merely specify a text string. This can then be sent upwards towards the top, towards the maintainer until a breakdown of categories is added to their ontology tree/branch.

These "wants" can be queued up and sorted by the price that people are willing to give for the item to be created.

One needs to name the item in the Soup or in the WANT language. You can vote these names up or down (in the Soup) until the system settles for the perfect name on each itme. Otherwise in coordinate space, these counts (from one's personal reserve) act as a measure of need.

For example, perhaps someone wants an audio application made where they can manipulate waveforms. So they express their desire in a WANT language. Unnamed vertex allows the categories to associate and connect with one another, without losing meaning nor create undesired "noise".

These words are associated with a color which allow the WANT to be tagged in the meta-mind.

list {audio, waveform, synthesis, digital manipulation}, each of these then could be decomposed into the analog of sensory and motor movements, until there's a decent-enough specification for someone to produce the application for you.

WANTs from lower nodes can be LISTed by higher-level nodes. This should be presented as a simple list that shows the categories that someone has connected for (simulated univese this would work.


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