Amazon Web Services - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Virtual network that allows fast communication between resources, while limiting communication from the outside
    • Can have public and private subnets
  • Security Group:
    • Manages communication between your VPC and the internet
    • Manages communication between AWS resources
  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Template for creating environments
  • S3: Storage and backup
  • EBS Volume: Hard drive for a compute resource

Elasticity vs. Scalability

  • Elasticity implies that something stretches to accomodate increased demand, and then returns back to its previous level
  • Scalability that the pieces are stackable by design
    • Horizontal scaling: Adding more lightweight nodes
    • Vertical scaling: Adding more computing power to your existing resources

Shared Responsibility Model

  • Customer is responsible for their data, application and data encryption, OS and Network access control
  • AWS is responsible for the computing, storage, database, networking, regions, availability zones, and edge locations

Total Cost of Onwership Calculator

Generates estimated monthly cost, and a schematic of the architecture at a URL you can send someone. It also helps you compare those costs to on-premises expenses.

Resource Tags

Key-value pairs for identifying your resources as your infrastructure grows.

  • Name will show up in your dashboard
  • Helps with tagging newly created resources
  • Use information systems / hierarchy best practices when coming up with naming schemes for your app
  • Search for tagged resources under Resource Groups -> Tag Editor
  • Resource groups combine sets of tags, and can give you custom dashboards for that group
  • You can track costs by resource group


  • General admin accounts can't set budgets
  • Your name -> Billing Dashboard -> Budgets
  • Setup alerts for when different usage or cost thresholds are reached



From scratch:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python unzip
curl -o
sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
aws configure

From apt:

sudo apt install awscli
aws configure


  • Get access keys from the AWS console with Your Name -> Security Credentials -> Access Keys -> Create New Access Key
  • Default region for Oregon is us-west-2
  • Output options are none, json, table, and text
  • You can setup multiple profiles with aws configure --profile profile-name

General Use

  • Man pages: aws help, aws s3 help, aws iam add-user-to-group help

High Availability

High availability: System is up for ~100% of the time

  • Achieved through redundancy, replication, failover protocols, monitoring, and load balancing



Route 53





Code Deploy

Code Build

Code Pipeline