Route 53 - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


Handles 4 related services:

  • Domain registration
  • DNS management
  • Traffic management - Simliar to ELB, chainable
    • Simple routing policy - Matches the record set
    • Weighted routing policy - Directs proportion of traffic to different places
    • Latency routing policy - Matches the server with the lowest latency for a user
    • Failure routing policy - Redirects traffic away from a failing server
    • Geolocation routing policy - Directs user to a server that it's in the nearest availability zone to them
  • Availability monitoring (Health Checks)
    • Notifies you in the event of a failure. Give it a URL or IP and a path, and it will email you in the event of a failure.

Hosted zone: Records related to a specific domain TTL: Time to live, how often your records are refreshed. Lower is faster, but more expensive.

DNS Record Types

  • A Record - Maps a URL to an IP
    • Don't associate something to your EC2 public IP address- it could easily change. Instead, add an elastic IP to your EC2 from the dashboard, and use that.
  • ALIAS record: Redirects a domain to another domain, can be used at the apex
  • CNAME - "Canonical name", Maps one URL to another URL (never an IP)
    • Can't be used at the apex
  • NS - "Name servers", the addresses that will resolve the URL
    • Authoritative name servers that can be queried about your domain. These are public services.
  • MX - "Mail Exchange", IP that will handle mail requests
  • SOA: Start of Authority. Basic DNS configuration information.

Redirecting a URL to another URL

  • Make a new Hosting Zone- this is a collection of DNS records related to one domain
  • Copy the generated NS URLs to the Name Server entries for the domain
  • Create a new S3 bucket
    • Make the name identical to the URL, including subdomain
    • You'll need one for the "apex" and www if you want to keep the www in the address, otherwise use a CNAME record for www
    • Set the property of the bucket to be a static host, and redirect to the URL the site lives at
  • Add an A Record to the Hosting Zone, set the alias to the bucket you set up

Redirecting and masking the URL with Github Pages

  • Make a new Hosting Zone- this is a collection of DNS records related to one domain
  • Copy the generated NS URLs to the Name Server entries for the domain
  • Add an A Record to the Hosting Zone, set the values to Github's name servers:
  • Add the URL to the Github repo in "Settings" (it adds a CNAME file with the apex domain name to the repo)
  • No SSL (http only)

Redirecting and masking the URL with Firebase Deploy

  • Make a new Hosting Zone- this is a collection of DNS records related to one domain
  • Copy the generated NS URLs to the Name Server entries for the domain
  • Add an A Record to the Hosting Zone, set the values to Firebase's name servers:
  • Use "Connect Custom Domain" on Firebase the console and follow the instructions.
  • Google will issue an SSL certificate within 24 hours (https)