Code Deploy - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

Allows you to deploy code to multiple servers at once while leaving those servers online as much as possible.

Deployment Types

  • Blue/green - Replaces servers with new versions
  • In-place - Updates running servers

Configuring Instances

  • Can be configured with Cloud Formation (text files describing an infrastructure setup)
  • Needs an existing EC2 code pair
  • Must have an IAM role associated with it that gives it rights to code deploy
  • Must be have the code-deploy agent installed and running


  • Version of an application to deploy
  • Can be S3 or Github

Deployment Groups

  • One or more instances to deploy to
  • Deployments can be one at a time, half at a time, or all at once

Service Roles

  • May need to create a new role for Code Deploy
  • Grant Code Deploy access to your instances

Deploy New Revision

  • Select location (S3 or GH)
  • Enter file or repo (eg. kylecoberly/my-repo-name)
  • Enter commit ID (eg. 0ca66aa6efd9c6336dd7700e2d5d56ea9eae4e49)