ESMira Website - KL-Psychological-Methodology/ESMira GitHub Wiki
The web frontend of ESMira relies heavily on JavaScript (Features used from ECMAScript 2015: Promise, Promise.all, classList, function.bind() and const) and css (display: flex).
If a browser is too old to support these features or has JavaScript disabled, it is automatically redirected to a reduced fallback version.
Differences in the fallback version
Apart from minor design differences, this version looks and behaves very similar to the normal web frontend but has some key differences:
The admin panel, public statistics and server statistics are not available when using the fallback version.
Because of technical restrictions, the visual analogue scale behaves slightly different: The thumb will initially be positioned at position 50. Also, it can not be detected when the item was skipped, and it will have the value 50 instead.
All data, that is saved when using the fallback version, is marked as "Web-NOJS" in the app_type
Short urls
There are a couple of direct urls that hardcoded into the web interface.
Shows the websitde in this language (if available).
Leads to the legal notice.
Leads to the privacy policy.
Leads to the about page.
Leads to the list of active studies.
Public features
This is the starting page of the ESMira server.
Participate in a study
This option leads to a list of all publicly available studies on the server. Hidden studies can be displayed by entering an access key.
If web is enabled, a study link will either lead to the study overview (then leading to its questionnaires), or to the app install instructions:
Study overview
This overview will show the study description (if existing) at the top and listed below are all questionnaires that are accessible in the web version. After selecting a questionnaire, the participant is asked to accept the informed consent (if existing) and then needs to choose a user id.
Note: If the same device (with cookies enabled) is used, accepting the informed consent and entering the user id will be remembered for each study.
Note: You can also directly link to the study overview. See Urls to web version.
Questionnaires in the web version are set up the same way as in the smartphone apps.
Note: You can also directly link to a questionnaire. See Urls to web version.
App install instructions
The app install instructions consist of the additional app installations instructions, the study description and a generated step-by-step guide on how to download the app and join the study.
Note: You can also directly link to the app install instructions. See Urls to web version.
Show statistics from studies
This option leads to a list of all publicly available studies on the server which have public graphs set up. Hidden studies can be displayed by entering an access key.
Graphs which have the option Only visible for participants who have finished the study set to true will not be displayed.
Show server statistics
The server tracks basic information over all studies on this server and displays them on this page.
Admin interface for researchers
Have a look at The admin interface