Publication Links QR code - KL-Psychological-Methodology/ESMira GitHub Wiki

Publication, Links & QR code

After you are done setting up the study, this is the place where you make sure participants can find and join your study.

Access keys

You can add one or more access keys that will be needed to find and join your study. If you do not add an access key, then the study will be publicly visible.

Note: You can add several access keys that link to your study. The access key, a participant used to join the study, will be saved in the event.csv.

Note: Different studies can share the same access keys.

Qr codes

You can create a QR code that can be quickly scanned by participants to join the study. For the ESMira app, it does not matter which QR code is scanned. They all lead to the study. But you can control where the QR code leads when it is scanned by third party QR scanner apps.

Urls to web version

These urls that are also incorporated into the QR code. If you want to give participants the option to use the web version of ESMira, you can give them direct links to either the overview of the study or directly to a specific questionnaire. Three different types of urls are generated:

Study information


A page that shows the study information and a list of all available questionnaires. This url has three possible formats:

  •[STUDY ID]: When the study does not use any access key.
  •[ACCESS KEY] or[STUDY ID]-[ACCESS KEY]: The only difference between the two is that the latter will always lead to the specific study. The first will as well except when another study with the same access key exists. Then it will lead to a list of all studies with that access key.

App installation instructions


A page with automatically generated instructions on how to install the ESMira app on Android or iOS. The additional app installation instructions are shown at the beginning of the page. This url has three possible formats:

  •[STUDY ID]: When the study does not use any access key.
  •[ACCESS KEY] or[STUDY ID]-[ACCESS KEY]: The only difference between the two is that the latter will always lead to the specific study. The first will as well except when another study with the same access key exists. Then it will lead to a list of all studies with that access key.

Direct link to a specific questionnaire


A direct link to a specific questionnaire of the study. If the participant opens the questionnaire for the first time, the participant is asked to accept the informed consent (if one is given in study information) and provide a user id. This url has two possible formats:

  •[STUDY ID]: When the study does not use any access key.
  •[STUDY ID]-[ACCESS KEY]: When the study needs an access key.

Note: If the web version is disabled in Availability and runtime, all links will automatically lead to the "App installation instructions".