Availability and runtime - KL-Psychological-Methodology/ESMira GitHub Wiki
Availability and runtime
When setting the "Study availability" you limit on which platforms (Android, iOS or web interface) participants can join the study.
If you only want to hide a specific questionnaire on a certain platform (but participants should still be able to join the study on that platform), you can select the questionnaire and uncheck the platform in "Availability of questionnaire".
By setting an end date or runtime expiration, you can control for how long a questionnaire is visible. With the start date or runtime activation you can hide a questionnaire at the beginning of a study and show it after a certain amount of time.
Some other questionnaire specific settings:
Questionnaire can only be filled out once: The questionnaire will be hidden for good as soon as it was filled out by the participant.
Questionnaire can only be filled out once per notification: Normally, the questionnaire is hidden. After a notification was issued (from this questionnaire, see Actions) the questionnaire is visible until it was filled out or after a set amount of time (if an amount other than "0" was entered).
Time distance between completion of questionnaire: After the questionnaire was filled out, it will be hidden for a set amount of time.
Questionnaire can only be filled out at a specific time of day: The questionnaire will be hidden during the day before and after the given time window.
Note: When all questionnaires are disabled for good (either because their end date or the expiration runtime was reached, or the option "Questionnaire can only be filled out once" is checked, and the questionnaire has been filled out), the app automatically leaves the study.
Note: All triggers (e.g. notifications. See Edit triggers) that would happen while a questionnaire is hidden (e.g. because their expiration runtime was reached) will be skipped.