Home - Juergen-ST/Qi_Authentication_Demo GitHub Wiki

The Qi Authentication Demo consists of three different fragments:

  • Emulate PRx
    The NFC smartphone emulates a power receiver.
    On NFC smartphones with Android 4.4 or higher this fragment is shown after opening the Qi Authentication Demo. On other smartphones this fragment is not available.
  • Emulate PTx
    The NFC smartphone emulates a Qi charger.
    On NFC smartphones below Android 4.4 this fragment is shown after opening the Qi Authentication Demo. On smartphones without NFC capabilities this fragment is not available.
  • Plugfest 2
    Certificates, Certificate Chains and challenge/response pairs can be verified.
    On smartphones without NFC capabilities this fragment is shown after opening the Qi Authentication Demo

If the Qi Authentication Demo app is started on NFC smartphones, where NFC is currently disabled, then the system setting page is shown to enable NFC. In this situation you have to enable NFC first to continue with this app.

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