Plugfest 2 - Juergen-ST/Qi_Authentication_Demo GitHub Wiki

When the Plugfest 2 fragment is shown, test certificate chains, challenge response pairs, test certificates and the example certificates can be verified.

If you select the Root directory, then the example Certificates of section 8 in the Qi Authentication Specification 1.3 is calculated. You can save this calculation by pressing long on the log list.
If you select in the CHALLENGE spinner one Certificate file and you press afterwards the CHECK button, then the corresponding Certificate will be tested. If a corresponding private key exists, then it will be additionally checked if this private key fits to the Certificate. You can save the test results by pressing long on the log list.
All log files will be saved at Android/data/

If you select another directory then the Certificate Chain of the plugfest and the corresponding digest file will be tested. You can save the test results by pressing long on the log list. Due to a changed definition of the draft specification the sample Certificate Chains provided by the demo app do not contain a Qi ID in the Subject ID of the Product Unit Certificate.
Afterwards you can choose one CHALLENGE file and one CHALLENGE_AUTH file. If you press afterwards the CHECK button the selected pair of files are tested. You can save the test results by pressing long on the log list.

You can modify the test by adding other files / directories into the external app memory at Android/data/ You have to take special care if you change the file Android/data/ If you change this file then the Root Certificate for the whole Qi Authentication Demo will be changed and all default test files which are installed at default will fail.

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