Emulate PRx - Juergen-ST/Qi_Authentication_Demo GitHub Wiki

When the Emulate PRx fragment is shown, the Android device emulates a power receiver which request the Qi charger to authenticate itself.

Three different Protocol flows can be adjusted for the emulation of the power receiver. These protocol flows are described in section 7 of the Qi Authentication Specification:

  1. Simple flow
    This flow is described in section 7.1
  2. With caching
    This flow is described in section 7.2
  3. Challenge first
    This flow is described in section 7.4

If you press shortly the CLEAR CACHE button, then all cache entries are deleted. The cache entries are used by the flows Witch caching and Challenge first to reduce the authentication time for Qi chargers which were already authenticated before.

If you press long on the CLEAR CACHE button, then all cache entries will be shown.

If you have a second NFC enabled Android device with the Qi Authentication Demo app installed and at this phone the Emulate PTx fragment is shown, then the Qi Authentication will be performed by using NFC communications. Therefore you have to bring the NFC antennas of both Android phones together. At most phone models these antennas are located at the backside of the phone.
After a Qi Authentication is performed you see a log on the screen. You can save this log by pressing long on the log list. You will be asked afterwards for the name of the log file. The log file will be stored at Android/data/com.st.wpcath/files/emu.

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