Friday Quality Time - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
We are no longer going to have Friday tickets; this means we will be stricter about what tickets get to the backlog. However each sprint we will allocate 1 day of time where developers can choose tickets they would like to do; if you are adding tickets at this point it must be checked with one other person to agree it is a good idea.
During that day you will pick a ticket as normal, label it with the Friday
label and then get it done by 4pm. If you complete a ticket then review another one as normal. At 4pm we will have a brief meeting to show off what we have done. The rest of the day is to finish pushing through the tickets so normal development can continue on the following day. Tickets which are not complete should be put back into the backlog with a comment stating the branch on which you were working.