Tutorials and scripts - ISET/isetcam GitHub Wiki

This is a gateway page to help you find tutorials and scripts on different topics. These web-page descriptions of the scripts and tutorials are updated from time-to-time. The most recent version of the software is always in the repository itself.

  • Tutorials are scripts we that were written to explain some feature of the software. They have more comments and are intended to be didactic.
  • Scripts are a calculation that someone did and wanted to remember. We include them because it is so common to start a new project with an example of similar code from another project.

In the pages below, tutorials a name that in this format: t_description Scripts have this format: s_description.

Tutorials and scripts

  • Scene - Introduction, spatial resolution, color and illumination, depth
  • Optical image - Diffraction, shift-invariant, wavefront, ray trace, distortion, depth and defocus
  • Sensor - Electrical, spatial properties, color, HDR, microlens, stacked pixels
  • Image processing - Spatial resolution, color and illuminant, display rendering, file I/O
  • Display - Rendering
  • Color - Physics, color matching, illuminant, chromaticity, cielab
  • Metrics - Color, noise, spatial resolution

Tutorial pages

We are starting to develop wiki pages with tutorial information about software usage

  • GUI utilities - Macbeth color checker (MCC) selection tools, ROIs