Metrics tutorials and scripts - ISET/isetcam GitHub Wiki
Spatial Metrics
- t_ieSQRI Barten's SQRI metrics
- s_metricsMTFSlantedBar The slanted Bar and ISO 12233 metric
- s_metricsAcutance Compute the acutance of a camera object
- s_metricsEdge2MTF Use the edge of the slanted bar to estimate the MTF
- s_metricsMTFPixelSize Show how pixel size influences the modulation transfer function
Color metrics
- t_metricsColor Color metrics tutorial
- s_metricsColorAccuracy Evaluate the color accuracy of a camera
- s_metricsMacbethDeltaE Demonstrate ISET analyses for evaluating CIELAB color error
- t_metricsCIELAB CIELAB metric plots
Noise metrics
- s_metricsSNRPixelSizeLuxsec Pixel properties influence signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
- s_metricsVSNR Visible SNR metric calculation