julia - HazyResearch/dimmwitted GitHub Wiki

DimmWitted provides a Julia interface to make it easy for you to write DimmWitted application in Julia. In this way, you can take advantage of both the high-level language in Julia and high-performance backend in DimmWitted at the same time for your analytics task. In this tutorial, we will go through (1) how to compile the DimmWitted support for Julia using stochastic gradient descent (SGD), and (2) how to write a simple application for logistic regression.

See Also... You probably have more questions about writting Julia applications in DimmWitted that is not covered by this tutorial, following is a list of pages that you might also be interested in.

  1. How to write other access methods in Julia for DimmWitted? We will show you an example of writing SCD with a column-to-row access method.
  2. I am getting a Segmentation Fault! What should I do? We will show you the set of assumptions that we made on your Julia functions, how to use a simple tool provided by DimmWitted to sanity check these assumptions, and how to use the debugging mode in DimmWitted to diagnose the problem.
  3. Can I use non-primative data type, e.g., structure, in my data? Sure, you can, but make sure they are immutable.
  4. Can my gradient function accesses some global variables, e.g., stepsize? Yes, but you need to see this tutorial.
  5. Can I use sparse input matrix? Yes, you can.
  6. Miscellaneous. We will document some tips we found in our experience that we hope you also found useful.
  7. Cheat Sheet.

Pre-requisites... To understand this tutorial, we assume that you already went through the installation guideline and have all test passed.

##Compile the DimmWitted Interface for Julia

Recall from our installation guideline that you already checked out the code of DimmWitted by

git clone https://github.com/HazyResearch/dimmwitted

and lets still assume DW_HOME to be the name of the folder that contains the code (where the file Makefile sits). Compiling the DimmWitted Interface for Julia contains two steps: (1) check out dependencies, and (2) compile DimmWitted Interface.


We first need to checkout three dependencies, including

  1. Julia (source code)
  2. libsupport
  3. libuv

We first go to the lib folder under DW_HOME

cd DW_HOME/lib
git clone https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia.git
git clone https://github.com/JeffBezanson/libsupport
git clone https://github.com/joyent/libuv

###Compile DimmWitted Interface

Now we can compile the DimmWitted interface:

make julia

You should see a new file with the name libdw_julia.dylib in the DW_HOME folder.


Let's do some simple sanity check to make sure compilation is OK. Open your julia shell, and first run (Remeber to replace [DW_HOME] with the real path)

push!(LOAD_PATH, "[DW_HOME]/julialib/")
import DimmWitted

These three lines set up the DimmWitted module that you can use to communicate with DimmWitted. To validate whether it works or not, type in


You should see

Hi! -- by DimmWitted

##Writing a simple Julia application

Let's start writing a logistic regression application in Julia. The code can be found here but we will walkthrough it together.

The first thing you need to do is to create a Julia program, let's say with the name julia_lr.jl. The first three lines of the code is the same as the validation step

push!(LOAD_PATH, "[DW_HOME]/julialib/")
import DimmWitted

####Prepare the Data

We will generate a synthetic data set to play with. The following code creates a synthetic classifcation problem with 100000 examples, each of which has 10 features and 1 boolean prediction in 0/1.

nexp = 100000
nfeat = 100
examples = Array(Cdouble, nexp, nfeat+1)
for row = 1:nexp
	for col = 1:nfeat
		examples[row, col] = 1
	if rand() > 0.8
		examples[row, nfeat+1] = 0
		examples[row, nfeat+1] = 1
model = Cdouble[0 for i = 1:nfeat]

We see that this piece of code creates a two-dimensional array examples, each row of which is an example, and the first 100 columns are features (all equals to 1 here), and the last column is the prediction (80% are 1, 20% are 0). We also created a one-dimensional array model, each element of which corresponds to the weight for each feature.

####Define Loss Function and Gradient Function

After we specify the data, we can write Julia functions to define how to calculate the loss and gradient. Note that, in this application, we will use ROW_ACCESS in DimmWitted, which means that DimmWitted will call these functions for each row with the current state of the model. Thesefore, these function have the following signature

(row::Array{Cdouble,1}, model::Array{Cdouble,1}) -> Cdouble

where row and model are the row and the current state of the model, respectively.

Where does the ''Cdouble'' for ''Array{Cdouble,1}'' in the function signature comes from? When you define the data structure examples and models, they are of the type Array{Cdouble,2} and Array{Cdouble,1}. DimmWitted will get their types automatically. You can also use other primitive types (e.g., Cint) or composite types (See here)-- just to make sure you change the signature of the function accordingly.

Let's now define the loss function with this signature.

function loss(row::Array{Cdouble,1}, model::Array{Cdouble,1})
	const label = row[length(row)]
	const nfeat = length(model)
	d = 0.0
	for i = 1:nfeat
		d = d + row[i]*model[i]
	return (-label * d + log(exp(d) + 1.0))

We can see that this function contains three components:

  1. Line 2-3: We get the label for the given row by picking the last element in the row, and the total number of features by the length of the model.
  2. Line 4-7: Calculate the dot product and store it in the variable d.
  3. Line 8: Calculate the loss for each row and returns it.

Similary, we can write the gradient function

function grad(row::Array{Cdouble,1}, model::Array{Cdouble,1})
	const label = row[length(row)]
	const nfeat = length(model)
	d = 0.0
	for i = 1:nfeat
		d = d + row[i]*model[i]
	d = exp(-d)
		Z = 0.00001 * (-label + 1.0/(1.0+d))
  	for i = 1:nfeat
  		model[i] = model[i] - row[i] * Z
	return 1.0

We can see that this grad function is similar to loss, with the difference that in Line 10-12, we update the model.


We will now create a DimmWitted object to training our logistic regressor defined by the function grad and loss on the data examples and models. We first create an object with the specification of the data and how we want to access the data:

dw = DimmWitted.open(examples, model, 

This command creates a DimmWitted object dw by using the open() function. Line 1 specifies the data and model, and line 2-4 specifies how the model will be accessed, here

  • DimmWitted.MR_SINGLETHREAD_DEBUG means that we will have one model replica and one thread processing this model. (This is slow, but we will show how to make that faster in a minute!)
  • DimmWitted.DR_SHARDING means that each thread will process a partition of the data instead of the whole data set.
  • DimmWitted.AC_ROW means that we are going to access the data (example) in a row-wise way.

If this function runs correctly, you should see the following output (Note that the address @0x00000001067957a0 might vary for each run--it is the address of the DimmWitted object created in C++):

[JULIA-DW] Created DimmWitted Object: Ptr{Void} @0x00000001067957a0

For a complete list of these parameters, see Cheat Sheet.

After we create this dw object, we need to let it know about the two functions, i.e., loss and grad, that we defined. We can do it by

handle_loss = DimmWitted.register_row(dw, loss)
handle_grad = DimmWitted.register_row(dw, grad)

Each function call will register the function to DimmWitted and returns a handle that can be used later. Here, because both loss and grad are row-access functions, we use register_row here. (See Cheat Sheet if you want to register other types of functions.) If these run successfully, you should see in the output:

[JULIA-DW] Registered Row Function loss Handle=0
[JULIA-DW] Registered Row Function grad Handle=1

Now lets run a function! Lets first see what is the loss we can get given the model that we initialized with all zeros:

rs = DimmWitted.exec(dw, handle_loss)
println("LOSS: ", rs/nexp)

You should see in the output

LOSS: 0.6931471805587225

We can then run a gradient step:

rs = DimmWitted.exec(dw, handle_grad)

Lets re-calculate the loss, and this time we will get

LOSS: 0.5029576555246331

We see that it gets smaller!

Now we can run ten iterations:

for iepoch = 1:10
	rs = DimmWitted.exec(dw, handle_loss)
	println("LOSS: ", rs/nexp)
	rs = DimmWitted.exec(dw, handle_grad)

and get the final loss

LOSS: 0.5029576555246331

####Use All the Cores!

Now we have built a simple logsitic regression model, but we can make it better because currently it only uses a single thread. One advantage of DimmWitted is to run statistial analytics workload efficenlty in main memory by taking advantage of massive parallelism.

To speed-up our toy example, we only need to do one single twist

dw = DimmWitted.open(examples, model, 

If we compare the Line 2, we can see that we are using a different strategy called DimmWitted.MR_PERMACHINE, which will maintain a single model in main memory and use all possible threads to update it in a lock-free way. This approach is also known as Hogwild!

After making this changes, you can then register the function, and run ten iterations of the gradient step.

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