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Julia Support: How to write other access methods in Julia for DimmWitted?

You can write in Julia all three access methods, i.e., row-wise, column-wise, and column-to-row, that DimmWitted supported. In this tutorial, we will show how to write a logistic regression model using SCD instead of SGD. SCD for logistic regression is a column-to-row access method. The code can be found here.

Pre-requisites... To understand this tutorial, we assume that you have already familiar with the Julia walkthorugh, and knows how to write a logistic regression model with SGD.

Revising Gradient Function

To change access methods, you do not need to chang the data, and therefore you can use the same synthetic data set that we created for SGD. However, you need to change the gradient function with a different signature:

function grad(col::Array{Cdouble,1}, 
              rows::Array{Array{Cdouble, 1}}, 

Different from the row-wise gradient function, the column-to-row gradient function takes as input four parameters, where col is the array of one column, _colid is the index of this column (start from 0), rows is a array of rows that has non-zero element for column id=colid, and model is the model. Given this signature, we can write the gradient function as

function grad(col, _colid, rows, model)
	colid = _colid + 1
	nfeat = length(model)
	nrows = length(rows)
	if colid > nfeat
		return 1.0

	sum_term = 0.0
	pat_term = 0.0
	for ir = 1:length(rows)
		label = rows[ir][nfeat+1]
		d = 0.0
		for i = 1:nfeat
			d = d + rows[ir][i]*model[i]
		sum_term = sum_term + label*rows[ir][colid]
		pat_term = pat_term + rows[ir][colid]*1.0/(1.0+exp(-d))

	model[colid] = model[colid] - 0.00001* (-sum_term + pat_term)
	return 1.0

This function contains multiple components:

  • Line 2: Note that the variable _colid starts from 0, however, the index of Julia starts from 1, therefore, we create the variable colid to start from 1.
  • Line 3-4: Get the number of features and number of rows.
  • Line 5-7: If colid is the last column (i.e., the label column), we do nothing.
  • Line 9-19: Calculate the gradient of the colid'th element in the model.
  • Line 21: Update the colid'th element in the model.

Register a Column-to-row Function

The last twist that we need to do is when we register the function. Instead of using register_row, we should use register_c2r as

handle_grad = DimmWitted.register_c2r(dw, grad)

Also, when creating the DimmWitted object, we should use DimmWitted.AC_C2R instead of DimmWitted.AC_ROW:

dw = DimmWitted.open(examples, model, 

Note that for column-to-row access, you can register either row access function or column-to-row function. For row (resp. column) access, you can only register row (resp. column) function.