julia_sparse - HazyResearch/dimmwitted GitHub Wiki

Julia Support: Can I use sparse input matrix?

Sure! We understand that many real-world applications involve sparse data set, and therefore DimmWitted provides the support of using the native Julia type SparseMatrixCSC{T1,Int64} directly. In this tutorial, we walk through how to use this feature. The code can be found here.

Pre-requisites... To understand this tutorial, we assume that you have already familiar with the Julia walkthorugh, and knows how to write a logistic regression model with dense data.

Prepare the Data Set

We still use the same synthetic data set that we created for the dense case by using


Here the variable sparse_example is of the type SparseMatrixCSC{Cdouble,Int64}.

Change the Function

Here is the last change you need to make to use sparse data! The signature of the loss and gradient function needs to change accordingly for sparse data:

function loss(row, model::Array{Cdouble,1})

Here, the row object is not of the type Array{Cdouble,1} any more, instead, it is an Array of

immutable TMPTYPE

where idx is the element index (for row access, it is the column id for non-zero elements), and data is the actual data element. It is not hard to see that row is a sparse representation of a vector.

Given this difference, we can see that the following piece of code implements a sparse version of the loss function.

function loss(row, model::Array{Cdouble,1})
	const nfeat = length(model)
	const lastcol = nfeat + 1
	const nnz = length(row)
	label = 0.0
	if row[nnz].idx == lastcol
		label = row[nnz].data
	d = 0.0
	for i = 1:nnz
		if row[i].idx != lastcol
			d = d + row[i].data*model[row[i].idx]
	return (-label * d + log(exp(d) + 1.0))

After this change, all other code is the same as the dense case.

Can I Use Sparse Model?

As of DimmWitted v0.01, we do not support sparse model yet. Let us know if you found that necessary in your application.