Function; setMiscValues - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

setMiscValues(<tObjectType>, <fRecoilDistance>, <fSlaveFireDelay>)


Determines barrel recoil and slave firing delay for the associated weapon (this function is found in the *.wepn file.)


setMiscValues(NewWeaponType, 1, 2)


  • <vObjectType>: should always be NewWeaponType.
  • <fRecoilDistance>: how far (in meters) the barrel recoils after firing.
  • <fSlaveFireDelay>: delay (in seconds) between the weapon firing and the slave firing. Note: The total time it takes to fire the weapon and all of its slaves must be less than the weapon's firing time (see StartWeaponConfig.) Note: the "SlaveFireDelay" means: for turret with 2 barrels(or missile/torpedo platform with N tubes),they can output NDamage(Nweapon), to make its fire output continuous, there must be a "time interval" between each bullet, and that is "SlaveFireDelayTime" - SutchAwson


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